
充实的一天 今天是“五一国际劳动节’,是全体劳动人民的节日。 吃罢早饭,妈妈对我说:“小叶,妈妈每天工作,今天应该休息一下了。所以今天该轮你做家务了。”我想:妈妈说得对,她每天工作挺辛苦的,今天应该由我做来家务。于是,我洗了碗,打扫了房间,还做了午饭。当妈妈吃着我做的丰盛美味的午饭时,脸上露出了甜甜的微笑。 晚上,我躺在床上,感到全身酸痛。虽然很累但我的心里却很高兴,因为这一天我过得很有意义。 保护树木 树木对人类真有用。它不仅能给我们提供绿荫,还能保持水土,使空气清新。如果我们学校所在的村庄能够种很多树,就不会有那么多灰尘了。 但是,许多人并没有意识到树木给人类带来的好处,而是滥砍乱伐树木。这就造成了洪水灾害。为什么呢?因为没有足够的树木保护土壤不被雨水冲袭。 树木是人类的朋友。我们小朋友要爱护树木,保护树木,和小树一起健康成长。

第1个回答  2011-12-08
Day today is "May 1 international labor day 'is all the working people, the festival. Eat breakfast, my mother said to me:" lobules, mother works every day, today should take a rest. So today the wheel you do housework. "I think: mom said to, her work is pretty hard every day, today should I do housework by to. And so, I did the dishes, cleaned the room, also do lunch. When the mother to eat me do the fullness of the delicious lunch, the sweet smile on his face. At night, I lie on the bed, feel whole body ache. Although very tired, but my heart is very happy, because that day I had a very significant. Protect trees to human really useful trees. It can not only provide us with shade, still can maintain soil, and make the air fresh. If our school of the village where can kind of many trees, will not have so much dust....... But many people do not realize the benefits of trees to humans, but excessive cut a cut trees. This created the flood disaster. Why? Because not enough trees to protect the soil will not be rain rushed attacks. The trees are friends of human beings. We children to love trees, the conservation of trees, and the healthy growth of together.
第2个回答  2011-11-25
第3个回答  2011-11-25