


Look! This is Little Black, my adorable puppy, who was presented by one of my friends. With a pair of pure and bright big eyes, pure black fur that covers the whole body, he looks extremely qute. It enjoys holding people's calfs and liking them using his tiny tongue. I adore him very much.
第1个回答  2007-08-25
Look, it's my cute puppy named Xiaohei who was given to me by one of my friends.

It is so cute with big eyes and black fur.

It likes holding people's calf and licking them.

I like it very much.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-08-25
My lovely puppy
Look,this is my lovely puppy,Xiao hei,which was presented as gift from my friend.He has glisten,big eyes and jet-black fur.How lovely he is!What he likes most is holding people's calf, or licking others with his little tongue.I love him a lot!
第3个回答  2007-08-26
See, this is my lovable puppy. Its name is black, is one given to me by a friend.
It has a pair of water tinkling of big eyes, a black fur and looks lovely grade.
It is like holding someone's legs, small tongue licking others.
I like it very much.
第4个回答  2007-08-25
Look!This is my cute dog.It was called Xiaohei that a fried of mine gave me.It has a wonderful with big eyes and blank fur.How cute it a lot!
It likes to hold one's leg and licking them.
I love it a lot!