be used to +(动)名词

什么意思啊 造个句子吧

1be used to+doing(动名词)意思是习惯于做某事
2be used to+do意思是被用来做某事
(1)I am used to going shopping
(2)Paper is used to write on
第1个回答  2007-08-31
be used to do sth 什么东西被用做什么
举个例子,Money is used to buy things .钱是用来买东西的

used to do sth 过去常常(意思是现在已经没有了)
I uesed to smoke.我过去曾经吸烟(现在没吸了)

be used to dong sth习惯于某样事物
I am used to reading books before sleeping.我习惯了每天睡前看会书
第2个回答  2007-08-31
eg:I am used to watchingTV in the evening.
第3个回答  2007-08-31
I am used to walking to school.