

Rafe: I should've died over there. When I was in that water, I made a deal with God. I told him I was sorry, I told him I knew I'd been a fool for leavin you and tryin to go over there and be a hero, and I promised I'd never ask for anything again, if I could just see you one more time... And ya know what? It was worth it. You kept me alive Evelyn, you brought me home. So I'm gonna stand by my end of the deal,I'm gonna walk away and I won't ask you for anything... but I just want to know why... Just tell me that will you please? Just tell me why.
Evelyn: Rafe I'm pregnant... I didn't even know until the day you turned up alive... and then all this happened... I haven't told Danny... I don't want him to know. All he needs to think about is how to do this mission and get back alive. Oh Rafe, all I ever wanted was for us to have a home and grow old together, but life never asked me what I wanted. Now I'm going to give Danny my whole heart... but Idon't think I'll ever look at another sunset without thinking of you... I'll love you my whole life..

R:Ma'am, please,
don't take my wings.

RAFE:Hello, Lieutenant. It's good to see you.

EVELYN:You, too, Lieutenant.

R:Pick a hand.

E:It's beautiful.What's in your other hand?

R:Mine.Well, it took me six hours to fold these.

E:Oh!I want you to meet my friends.Rafe, this is Martha,Barbara, Sandra--

B:Hi. I'm Betty.


B:Would you happen to have any friends?

R:Huh. Take your pick.

R:God, you're pretty.

E:What's gonna become of us all, Rafe?

R:Well, the future's not
exactly in our hands, is it?

E:No. I guess you're right.

R:There's something I got to tell you.

E:Well, you got no secrets from me, Lieutenant.I've seen your medical chart.

Here we go.

This can't be good, or it wouldn't be so hard to say.

[Sighs] Yep. I got to go away.

We're all going away.

Yeah...but I'm going to the war...tomorrow.
I'm flying with the Eagle Squadron.
It's an outfit the British started for American pilots.

I don't understand. You're in the U.S. Army.How could they order you to go?

They didn't order me.I volunteered.

Huh.But I passed you.l let you through,And now you volunteer for the most dangerous place you could go?

It's not your responsibility,not your choice.
Flying's the only thing I ever wanted to do.
I mean, everything in my life has led me up to this point.
Meeting you.
I love you.

I love you so much.

RAFE: Dear Evelyn, lt's different than l thought it would be here,
lt's cold--so cold it goes deep into your bones,
There is one place l can go to find warmth,that is to think of you,
l just wish l could be back there with you.

EVELYN: Dear Rafe,l miss you so much,
lt's so strange to be half a world away from you.

EVELYN:Every night l look at the sunset and try to draw the last ounce of heat from its long day and send it from my heart to yours.

The smart enemy hits you
exactly where
you think you're safe.

DANNY:I didn't sleep a wink last night.I had to see you.Last night was crazy,I know, but I'm not sorry. Are you?

E:I don't know.Danny, I had a wonderful time last night. I--It's just all too fast.

Listen, Evelyn, I was just down at the beach this morning and I watched the sun rise
and I knew that everything was gonna be different.That this was the start of something new.In this place, in this moment.And I don't care what anybody else says, you know?
How can I not feel this way?I kinda like you.

Oh, you do?You have your tie on crooked.

Everything's gonna be all right, OK?Everything's gonna be all right.

R:I told you I'd come back.Here, sit down.Sit down. Come here. It's OK.It's all right.

E:You're real.


I wished for this every day.

I know. Me, too.Every second. So did I.

I thought you were dead.They said you were shot down in the sea.

Yeah, I was.I was in the ocean.It was so cold.I missed you.I got picked up by a French fishing boat...and I was in occupied France,and I couldn't get word out.And I'm just--I'll tell you all about it, I promise.But I'm fine. I'm OK.And I'm here now.
Evelyn...I just wanted to see you.You're so beautiful.I love you.
Hey, it's OK. It's OK.Evelyn, Evelyn. I'm back.
It's OK. I won't leave you again, I promise.

Rafe, you died.

And so did I.I know, but I'm--I'm--It's fine now. I'm back.We're together.
I mean, we are together...right?

I don't know where I am.



Stay away.


E:You're packing.


What kind of orders?

The top-secret kind.

The dangerous kind.

I can't find Danny.

Is that why you're here?Looking for Danny?Probably saying good-bye to his squadron.We've been assigned to Doolittle.

I wasn't looking for Danny.I couldn't have you go away without you understanding something.

Yeah. You don't have to explain anything.

l do, because you're acting like l didn't love you,

Evelyn,loving you kept me alive,I should've died over there.
When I was in that water,I made a deal with God.
I told him I was sorry that I knew I'd been a fool for leaving you trying to go over there
and be a hero and I promised I'd never ask for anything again if I could just see you
one more time.And you know what? It was worth it. You kept me alive, Evelyn.
You brought me home.So I'm gonna stand by my end of the deal.I'm gonna walk away.
And I won't ask you for anything.But I just want to know why. Just tell me that, will you,
please? Just tell me why.

Rafe, I'm pregnant.

Oh, my God.

I didn't even know until the day you turned up alive. I haven't told Danny.I don't want him to know. All he needs to think about is how to do this mission and get back alive.
Rafe, all I ever wanted was for us to have a home,grow old together but life never asked me what I wanted.Now, I'm gonna give Danny my whole heart but I don't think I'll ever look at another sunset without thinking of you. I'll love you my whole life.

DANNY:You know, the only thing that scares me is that you might love him more than you love me.

E:I love you, Danny. And I'll be here waiting for you when you come back.

MAJOR:My friends in the war department don't want me to lead this raid because they say I'm too valuable. They don't want me up in the air flying with the men that I've chosen that I've chewed out, cussed out, pushed to the limit and that I've come to respect. They want me to stand on the flight deck and wave you off. Well, I don't see it that way. So I'm going with you. We take off tomorrow afternoon drop our fire, and head for China. Our mission is to hit military targets aircraft and tank factories,

Colonel, you've given us homing beacons but you said China is overrun with Japanese troops. What if the beacons are switched off?

Bring her down any way you can and do your best to avoid capture.

What if we have to bail out over Japan?

Well, in that situation,I can't tell you what to do.

What would you do, Colonel?

I wasn't built to be a prisoner so I would have my crew bail out. I'd find the sweetest
military target I could and drive my plane right smack into the middle of it and kill as many of those bastards as I could. But that's just me. I'm forty-five years old.
I'm an old man.You guys have your whole lives ahead of you so what you do is up to you.

每天傍晚我看着夕阳,试图抓住最后一丝温暖,从我心中寄给你 --> Evelyn
Every night l look at the sunset and try to draw the last ounce of heat from its long day and send it from my heart to yours.
第1个回答  推荐于2016-07-21
雷 夫:有任务
雷 夫:是绝密的。
雷 夫:你是来找他的?找丹尼?他可能到中队告别去了,我们由多尼特尔指挥。
雷 夫:是吗?不过,你不需要向我解释什么?
雷 夫:依雯林,就是爱才是我活下来的,不然我早就死了,在大海里,我对上帝发誓,我说我后悔了,我离开了你,为了当英雄,我真是…太傻了,我求他保佑我回到你的身边,我发誓,这是最后的情形。你知道吗?依雯林,是你把我带回家的,我已经实现了自己的诺言,见到你就值了,我现在该走了,我只是想知道,你为什么要选择他?为什么?你能告诉我吗?
雷 夫:哦!天哪

