


With the development of economic,people now living a better life.But at the same time,many of the earth's animals have already died out.

Nowdays,more and more animals lost their homes and they have no choice but to face the sorrow of missing relatives and friends.What makes it comes about?What makes their living condition even worse?The answer is human! 

Some people cut down plenty of trees to make fortunes,which damaged the forest and made the animals lost their home.And there are also some 

greedy people even hunt for animals to make money,which lead a terrible result--a number of animals are in danger.

Each anmimal especially wildlife is our friend, they play an important role in ecological balance.So,lets take action, planting trees,buliding birdhouses and so on to pretect our earth.

第1个回答  2023-06-09
Why Protect Endangered Animals
Endangered animals are those species that are at risk of extinction due to various factors such as habitat loss, climate change, poaching, and pollution. It is our responsibility to protect these animals and prevent them from disappearing forever.
Firstly, endangered animals play an important role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. They have unique ecological functions and contribute to biodiversity. Losing any of these species can cause a chain reaction in the ecosystem, leading to imbalances that may be irreparable.
Secondly, many endangered animals have potential medicinal or scientific value. For example, some rare plants, insects, and marine organisms have been found to have anticancer properties or other medicinal benefits. The loss of these valuable resources could have a negative impact on human health and scientific research.
Thirdly, protecting endangered animals helps preserve cultural diversity. Many indigenous communities rely on these animals for their livelihoods and cultural practices. Losing them would not only harm the environment but also disrupt traditional ways of life.
Finally, protecting endangered animals is essential for ethical reasons. Humans have a moral obligation to protect all living creatures and their habitats. As the dominant species on Earth, we have the power to make a positive impact and ensure the survival of endangered animals.
In conclusion, protecting endangered animals is crucial for maintaining ecological balance, preserving valuable resources, promoting cultural diversity, and fulfilling our ethical responsibilities. We must take action to protect these animals and their habitats before it's too late.