
只要100字左右 是电影 不要书的

Harry Potter is an orphan, grew foster aunt, suffered bullying. But in Harry's 11th birthday, he unexpectedly received the Hogwarts School of admission. Harry sent to pick him up from the Academy say that the giant Hagrid, this is a magic school, and that his personal life, the original Harry's parents are great magician, in the battle against Voldemort in both devotion, only Harry survived. Harry entered Hogwarts, after showing talent beyond imagination fly, to get the recommendation of Professor McGonagall entered the Gryffindor Quidditch team. On the other hand, Harry found that there was a Hogwarts School in the forces of darkness seem to grow in secret, the key to reveal the mystery in a ferocious three-headed dog guarding the room. Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to explore what happened.
第1个回答  2011-08-31

谁是你哈迷? 我做作业 ! 哈个P迷 回答点实际点的?

第2个回答  2011-08-31
http://movie.douban.com/subject/1295038/reviews 豆瓣上很多哦,可以参考下追问

