



第1个回答  2011-09-05
VRML-based collaborative learning network system and implementation of research

To be reality, the learners can drag the mouse or arrow keys on the keyboard to control their own point of view four changes to achieve roaming in the scene or looking for partners. (2) file transfer is to provide learners with the swap file and set the functions. It allows learners via the Web easily exchange files with other learners. (3) share from the board is to provide learners with direct graphics or secondary teaching function. Learners can choose the pen color and pen thickness, but also the right of the text box to enter text. In this system, using a shared whiteboard will temporarily shut down the virtual environment. (4) the system is set up for some of the main set. Main server address settings, public voice switch settings and personal information settings. (5) to help primarily for learners in the process of using this system to help when they encounter problems. As a complete virtual reality system, the system's various control menus and information in the virtual scene should be implemented, because the amount of code and design of the actual situation, the system will in fact now be completed in subsequent versions. 2 Conclusion VRML-based collaborative learning network system, learners can get a more ideal environment for collaborative learning. For the organizers of learning to adapt to specific learning objectives to increase the functionality of the system is required for further design and development can be realized. The system is based on a collaborative learning theory, learning tool, it is an integration of traditional learning tools, but also the traditional learning tools development. The existing network system can be used as distance learning aids,abercrombie france, can be more convenient for remote collaborative learning, distributed learning or independent study. With a variety of traditional collaborative learning compared to multi-user virtual reality system based on collaborative learning has its unique advantages, which mainly in that it provides for different regions of learners across the space constraints of the tool without losing the human learning. From the characteristics of the system can be expected, further improved when the network speed,abercrombie pas cher, real-time transmission of compressed audio or video information will not be an obstacle, the system can be as distance-learning virtual classroom and widely used. In addition, because of its strong sense of context, in foreign language teaching or moral education,abercrombie france, the system will also be able to give full play to its advantage. [References] [1] Cyber ??Science and Technology Agency work. VRML and Java programming technology [M]. Beijing: People's Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2OO2: 441 ~ 449. [2] CampbellL. Multiple intelligences and learning strategies [M]. Wang sake, translated. Beijing: China Light Industry Press, 2001:248. [3] Hu Xiaojiang. Virtual reality technology [M]. Beijing: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2O05 ,93-105. TheStudyandthePracticeonNetworkingCollaborativeLearnUlgBasedofVRMLLIUQiu - ping (InstituteofInformationEngineering, YangzhouPolytechnicCz ~ lege, Yangzlmu225000, China) ~ ct: Thisthesisaimsat ~ yzingthecriticaltechnologyinVIIandbri ~ ngforwardapracticalschemeineducationalpractice. AndMUDVRS (Multi-UserDesktopVirtualRealitySystem) in-depthandawholeframeschemearepresented. ByexplainingtheinformationstreamandcontrolinMUDVRS,abercrombie paris, theresearchandpracticeofthesubjec ? isexpectedtoprovideorlemethodforthedesig ~ 0fnetworkingcol-laborativelearningsystembasedonVRML. Keywords: VirtualRealityTechnique; CollaborativeI. e. arning; VirtualRealityModelingLanguage (VRML)
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第2个回答  2011-09-08