
题目是 :每位选手演讲时间为3分钟,题目为:A Word That Has Changed the World(要求每位选手在本题目下加小标题)。
我的着手点是 信息传播,网上媒体,网络购物,网络教学等等,要3分钟,大概500单词左右,请各位达人帮帮忙!谢谢啦.我会追加分的!
俄....大家都写了...我也不知道该选哪个了...只能投票了 谢谢你们!

A Word That Has Changed the World
------about the internet
In this statement, I want to talk about the internet, which is the most important medium these days.
I want to elaborate my point from several aspects, first of all, it helps a lot for the information impart. We all know that the several decades before, people communicated with each other all by mails, which is not only slow but also inconvenient for people. Since the internet has been discovered, human history flipped into a new page. we can talk to people in the internet, what's more, we even can communicate with others face to face, which changes all the rules before and make informations much easier to be imparted.
secondly, internet medium is a indispensable role playing in todays society, we read news in the intrernet to keep us abreast with the time, so that we will not be outdated and obseleted. the things in the internet is always faster and accurate than any other mediums, this is because it contains lager amount of informations. in this way, we can learn more from internet, which makes internet more and more crucial.
thirdly, internet can do lots of great jobs, such as we can buy things by surfing the internet, we can save lots of money in this way, and it is used in many families these days.
第1个回答  2011-09-07

A Word That Has Changed the World —— in Internet
The number of using Internet is constantly on the rise as a result of the rapid development of information technology. It is thought by some people that Internet might replace traditional social activites some time because of its convience.
Along with the fantastic advance and development of information techology, there is sharp increase in using of Internet and people in ever growing numbers begin to read e-books on internet or by laptops, PDAs, and so forth. Yet, a multitude of people in contemporary society are now confused with a question:Will Internet finally take the place of our traditional social activities?
People who hold the opinion that Internet will replace traditional social activities have their reasons. In the first place, thanks to Internet and the increasing poplarity of personal computers , it is most easy and convenient for people to have access to Wesite. In the second place, people, if they manage to search a quotationcan save a lot of time with the help of searching software and article. Moreover, the wide use of Internet can even benefit the environment, for Internet can reduce the paper consumption.
Others, on the contrary, insist that the poplarity of traditional social activities will not be replaced by Internet, since still a multitude of people prefer traditional social activities. Firstly, heavy exposure to Internet and electronic equipments can exert negative effects to people's eye-sight. Secondly, the pleasure and enjoyment brought by social activities cannot be exceeded by Internet.
Accordingly, Internet definitely changed and are now changing people's life greatly, but the characteristics of traditional social activities are irreplaceable and a great many people will still choose traditional social activities. As for me, traditional social activities are the first choose and Internet will be used only when reference is need.
