can't wait to do的附加疑问句怎么答。--我迫不及待的去看这部电影。--我也是。这个句子的英语如何翻译。


对于所有的否定疑问句回答都是两种情况,比如you haven't eaten anything,do you? 如果你想说是的,我还没吃,那就说 no,I haven't.如果你想表达不,我吃过了,那就说yes,i have.窍门就是不要通过yes 或 no来翻译,要根据后面的i have或者i have't来翻译 这样就不会错了。

I can't wait to see the movie.
-So do I

要记住 can't wait to do是一种固定搭配 而不是否定用法 所以这个句子并不是否定句,答语应用so do i
第1个回答  2012-02-22
I can't wait to see this film .----------- Yes ,so do i.
What you can't wait to do?你迫不及待地想要去做什么?
第2个回答  2012-02-22
I can't wait to see the film.
Me neither.或Neither/Nor can I.或So it is with me 或It is the same with me.
第3个回答  2012-02-22
I can't wait to see this film
Me too