
Most of us grew up taking family trips to the circus,zoo,marine park,and so on.Seeing animals caught for human amusement,seemed so natural that we never questioned it.While it is considered that all humans deserve freedom,we usually ignore the members of other species.We should ask ourselves why not.What have the animals in a zoo or marine park done to deserve their prison sentences, or the elephants in a circus done to deserve lives spent mostly in chains?
  Circus animals live in cages or in chains when not performing tricks in the ring(马戏场).Most people,seeing tigers jump through hoops of fire or elephants stand on their heads,never think about what is behind those unnatural acts.The circus would like us to believe that the animals are trained in a nice way and treated kindly,if that were true then we would see trainers in the ring with bags of food;however,they carry whips and hooks instead.The animals obey in the ring because they remember the pain during training.
  Even at the world's "best" zoos,such as the San Diego Zoo,one still sees animals living in small cages.I think of two monkeys I saw in a cage at the San Diego zoo,which one couldn't help noticing was about the size of a jail cell.Those intelligent fellow primates(灵长类动物)don't just sleep in that cell--they never get out.No time in the yard,or gym,or cafeteria.And no parole (假释).
  In the Seaquarium in Miami,you can watch Lolita,a whale who has been there in a small tank for thirty years,doing tricks to amuse the crowd.Lolita's mother was killed trying to prevent her kidnapping,and her family is still in Puget Sound,where she was caught.But even having been offered one million dollars by generous humans for her freedom,the Seaquarium refuses to let Lolita go.
71.The following are mentioned as places where animals are treated cruelly except _________.
  A.labs B.zoos C.circuses D.marine parks
72.The underlined word "it" in the first paragraph refers to _________.
  A.human entertainment
  B.all animals deserving freedom
  C.the fact of animals being caught for amusement
  D.taking family trips to the circus,zoo,marine park,etc.
73.Which fact shows that animals suffered cruelties during training?
  A.Tigers jumping through hoops of fire.
  B.Elephants standing on their heads.
  C.Trainers in the ring carrying bags of food.
  D.Trainers in the performance carrying whips and hooks.
74.When the writer said "No time in the yard,or gym,or cafeteria.And no parole." in the 3rd paragraph,he compared the two monkeys to _________.
  A.jail cells B.human beings
  C.fellow primates D.animals living in small cages

72.C 没看到划线的"it" 啊,不顾我估计是seemed so natural that we never questioned it里的
