
求一些描述头发的英语形容词, 比如, 短发, 马尾辫, 用英语表达

She wears her hair short. (她留着短发。)
She used to wear her hair long. (她以前一般留长发。)
She's got shoulder-length hair. (齐肩的长发)
She's got waist-length hair. (长及腰部的头发)
Her hair is very long, down to her waist. (她头发很长,到了腰部。)
She's got a ponytail. (马尾辫)
Is your hair naturally curly or have you got a perm? (你的头发是自然卷曲还是电烫的?)

fringe (英国) = bangs (美国) 刘海
plait (英国) = braid (美国) 辫子
crew cut 寸头
flat top 平头 (剪得很短,头顶是平的)
spiky (施用啫喱水后头发刺起来的发型)
curly 卷的
wavy 大波浪的
straight 直的
mohican (英国) = mohawk (美国) 鸡冠头 (从后脑勺中央至额头中央留长发并用啫喱水使之立起来,两边的头发都剃掉,整个头发状如鸡冠。源自美洲印第安人的一种发型。)
skinhead 光头 (指人,不指发型,如:I saw a skinhead. 我看见一个光头佬。)
shaved 剃光头的
dreadlocks 满头小辫子的发型 (黑人喜欢,似乎是牙买加人的最爱。)
oily 油(性)的
neutral 中性的
dry 干(性)的
silky 光滑的
lively (指头发)健康的
dandruff 头皮屑
第1个回答  2012-02-21
She wears her hair short. (她留着短发。)
She used to wear her hair long. (她以前一般留长发。)
She's got shoulder-length hair. (齐肩的长发)
She's got waist-length hair. (长及腰部的头发)
Her hair is very long, down to her waist. (她头发很长,到了腰部。)
She's got a ponytail. (马尾辫)
Is your hair naturally curly or have you got a perm? (你的头发是自然卷曲还是电烫的?)

参考资料:ylyuan68 | 七级

第2个回答  2012-02-20
Short hair, pony tail, long hair, straight hair, curly hair, healthy hair...
第3个回答  2012-02-24
colorful, comfortable, original, short, curly,straight