
lead to , stick to ,devote one self to , have on , manage ,
go on with , remember, seem, go on , laugh at

1.Her English pronunciation is not good,but she often reads aloud in class for she is not afraid of ____________.

2.Professor Hunter _________ the invention of some new kind of machines for nearly 20years.

3.Although he had failed several times,he still ______ his idea.

4.Galileo ________ doing experiments to test Aristotle's theory of failing objects.

5."I _________the story where I stoppedyesterday evening,"father said to her children.

6."_____ this road _______the Department of Education?"asked a stranger.

7.The box was very heavy but the girl ______ to carry it.

8.I _______paying off the debts,but I forget the exact date.


lead to , stick to ,devote one self to , have on , manage ,
go on with , remember, seem, go on , laugh at

1.Her English pronunciation is not good,but she often reads aloud in class for she is not afraid of being laughed at 被嘲笑.

2.Professor Hunter has devoted himself to (致力于) the invention of some new kind of machines for nearly 20years.

3.Although he had failed several times,he still stuck to (坚持) his idea.

4.Galileo went on(继续) doing experiments to test Aristotle's theory of failing objects.

5."I will go on with (继续)the story where I stopped yesterday evening,"father said to her children.

6."Does this road lead to (通向)the Department of Education?"asked a stranger.

7.The box was very heavy but the girl managed to carry it.[manage to do sth.设法成功地做了某事]

8.I remember(记得)paying off the debts,but I forget the exact date.
第1个回答  2007-11-04
being laughed at 被取笑
has devoted himself to 致力于
went on with 继续
went on 继续他的实验
sticked to
Does ... lead to 这条路通向……吗?
managed 努力举起
remembered 记得
第2个回答  2007-11-04
1.being laughed at
2.has devoted himself to
3.stuck to
4.goes on
5.I will go on
6.Does, lead to