


Cruise in the Pentagon,log on Kremlin,access to all the computer systems around the world,destroy the financial orders in the world,build a new pattern of the world,and nobody can keep out our attack,we are the dominators of the world.

看着读的顺不顺,我觉得AND应该用在NOBODY之前,前面的动词之间不应有AND,这样读起来简单有力,那黑客的自负便跃然纸上了。around the world,in the world,of the world也是特意选的词,原稿找不到了,我只能这样给你翻译一下了。
第1个回答  2007-11-01

Cruise the Pentagon, login Kremlin, make access to all computer systems worldwide, break down the global financial order and reconstruct a new world pattern, nobody could blocks off our attack, we are just the dominate of the world!
---From the famous hacker Kevin Mitnick
第2个回答  2007-10-31

Parade Pentagon, Login Kremlin, global access to all computer systems and destroyed the global financial order and rebuild the new world situation, no one can stop our offense, we are the masters of the world!
The famous hacker Kevin Mitnick said. This is asked, I can not find the original sentence ...

楼上的好象有点问题~! 楼主 希望这翻译能帮助你

有事给我流言 象翻译问题我尽量帮你解决把~!
第3个回答  2007-11-12
Kevin Mitnick 不可能说这些话,因为事发时他才17岁,后来一直在地下活动知道在1994年再次入狱, 直到2000年出狱。其间还没有互联网博克之类的地方供他发表高论。所以他没有机会也没有这么高的理想和抱负来发表这种讲话,估计是后人,特别是中国人杜撰的。你能不能告诉我你的中文出自哪里?
第4个回答  2007-11-01
Cruise the Pentagon, login Kremlin, make access to all computer systems worldwide, break down the global financial order and reconstruct a new world pattern, nobody could blocks off our attack, we are just the dominate of the world!
---From the famous hacker Kevin Mitnick