

完形填空(Cloze test)


In the early 19th century an amazing thing happened in America. Nearly half a million people left their homes and “h_______ (51)” West along what was called “the Oregon Trail(俄勒冈道路)”,a path across the country to California and Oregon.What m_______ (52) them set out on this epic(壮丽的) journey across sweltering(酷热的) hot deserts,fast-flowing rivers and high mountains?The men and women who risked(冒险) their lives to c_______ (53) these wild and dangerous regions were called “settlers”. They were escaping from poverty and hardship in the East and they were all looking for a new beginning and a better life in the West.

How did they find out about the opportunities(良机) that existed in the West?It s_______ (54)that travellers who had been there on trading expeditions b_______ (55) stories of warmer winters and of good farming land that was being given away by the government. Then,in 1849 news c_______ (56)that men had just discovered gold in California.

By the early 1850s, people were rushing to reach the West. Some settlers could r_______ (57)because they had bought horses,but most of them had to walk.On the journey,they m_______ (58)many dangers.They were crossing land that was mostly desert,so there was very little food or water.They were often attacked by the Indians who l_______ (59)in those territories(领域) and they were also threatened by dangerous animals like snakes,and herds of wild buffalo.There was a se-rious danger of illness,and many settlers did not r_______ (60)the West alive.But change was coming to the American West.By 1870,a new railway had been completed and the Oregon Trail had become a part of history.


Miss Black was a teacher in a big school in a city in America.She had boys and girls in her class,and she always enjoyed__________ (61)them,because they were quick,and they thought about everything very carefully. One day she__________ (62)to the children,“People in a lot of__________ (63)in Asia wear white clothes when a man has died,but people in America or in European countries__________ (64)white clothes when they are happy.What color does a woman wear in these countries when she marries,Mary?”Mary said,“White,Miss,because she is hap-py.”“That's good,Mary,”Miss Black said.“You are (65). She wears white because she is__________ (66).”

But then one of the boys put__________ (67)his hand.“Yes,”Miss Black said.“Do you want to ask something,Dick?”“Yes,Miss,”Dick said.“__________ (68) do men wear black in these countries__________ (69) they marry,Miss?”When Miss Black__________ (70)this,she didn't know what to say.


A)51.headed 52.made 53.cross 54.seems 55.brought 56.came

57.ride 58.met 59.lived 60.reach

B)61.teaching 62.said 63.countries 64.wear 65.right 66.happy

67.up 68.Why 69.when 70.heard

阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分)



August 16,1993

Dear Mary,

We have been pen pals(笔友) for more than one year now.It's fun to have a pen pal,isn't it?

This year I'm starting high school.I'm really excited.Everything will be different from things in junior high school.I'll have more classes,and each class will be in a different classroom.My school is very big,so I'm still a little worried because we have only five minutes between classes to get to the next room.

The students can eat lunch in the dinning-room.However,because there are so many students,there are two different lunch times—first lunch and second lunch.I really hope I will be able to eat with my friends.But I'm not sure yet what time I will have lunch.

I will have a locker in high school.In the locker I can keep my textbooks,notebooks,coats,and other things.This is my favorite thing about going to high school.Two students have to share each locker,but I can choose anyone to be my locker partner(伙伴). My friend Kim is going to be my partner.We are planning to put our favorite pictures on the locker door.

Please send me a new picture of yourself!OK?

Well,write soon.Bye.

Best wishes,


21.How long have Mary and Cindy written to each other?__________

22.When will Cindy go to high school?__________ __________ __________

23.By whom is the lunch time decided?__________ __________ __________

24.The word “locker” here means “__________ ”.

25.What are Cindy and Kim planning to do with their locker?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________


During the Emergency(非常时期) in Malaya,a police officer was usually together with British troops when they were searching for terrorists.One day,a police officer went into the jungle(丛林) with a patrol of troops(巡逻队) who had just arrived in Malaya.Before he started on patrol,the officer filled his water-bottle with beer.

Several hours later,the patrol stopped for a rest.The officer took a tablet(药片) used by soldiers to make stream water fit to drink.He dropped the tablet into his water-bottle,knowing that it would not affect(影响) the beer.Two soldiers watched the officer with great interest.

“What are you doing?”they asked.“Making beer,”the officer said.“If you drop one of these tablets into the bottle of stream water,it makes good quality beer.You can have a taste if you like.”

The officer let the two soldiers taste the beer in his water-bottle.“Very good!”they said.“Very good.Where can we get these tablets?”“Oh,from most shops in town,”the officer said.He did not tell the truth that it was impossible to change water into beer simply by dropping in a tablet.He knew that the soldiers had recently arrived from England and did not know anything about Malaya.

For the next two months,traders(商人) in nearby towns were surprised when British soldiers came in and wanted to buy beer tablets.It was a long time before the soldiers discovered that the officer had cheated them.By that time,the officer had been transferred(调动) to another city.

26.The probable Chinese meaning of “terrorist” is__________ .

A.恐怖分子 B.叛徒 C.特务 D.密探

27.The police officer__________ in the jungle.

A.was searching for terrorists B.was looking for a patrol of troops

C.was making an experiment D.was having a rest

28.The officer let the soldiers drink some of the beer because .

A.he liked the two soldiers B.he wanted to sell his beer

C.he knew that the two soldiers were eager to drink the beer

D.he wanted the soldiers to believe what he had said

29.Which is NOT TRUE according to the story?

A.The tablet is used to clean the stream water.

B.The tablet can not change stream water into beer.

C.At first,the British soldiers knew nothing about Malaya.

D.The soldiers soon found that they had been cheated.

30.What do you think of the police officer?

A.He was very clever.

B.He was used to putting tablets into beer.

C.He loved his family. D.Both A and C.



David was in bed because he had been ill.Feeling better one morning,he sat up.Bright sunlight was streaming through(穿过) the window.“Mother!”he called out.“Come and see the tiny specks(微粒)in the air.”Mrs Lawson told David that what he could see was only dust.He asked,“Why does it come in that narrow piece of air?”“Silly.The dust is in the air everywhere.It enters through doors and windows,but we can only see it when strong light shows it to us.It is in the air we breathe,but luckily we have hairs inside our nose.They catch dust and prevent it going down our lungs(肺).”David's mother brought a duster and started to wipe his dressing table.“See,”she said,“the dust settles(落)on furniture(家俱),on our skin and clothes.When it is thick enough,we can see it clearly on polished(磨光的)wood.Dust is made of soil,grains of pollen(花粉),smoke from fires and even germs(菌).”“Thanks,Mum,”said David.“I was feeling better.I think I had better breathe through a handkerchief so I don't get any new germs!”

31.Why did David stay at home?__________ __________ __________

32.What were the tiny specks in the air?__________ __________

33.When can we see the dust in the room?__________ __________

34.What do the hairs inside the nose do?__________ __________

35.What does the underlined word “duster” mean? __________

36.What is dust made of?__________ __________ __________ __________


Alexander lived some three hundred years before Christ.He was a Greek king and general who conquered(征服)a huge area of the civilised(开化的)world of that day.He brought Greek ideas and customs to these people.

He became King at the age of 20 and was determined(决定) to beat the Persians who were old enemies of the Greeks.By using cavalry(骑兵) cleverly,he attacked(攻打) and occupied(占领) part of Persia that is now the present day country of Turkey.His soldiers also had the advantage(优势) of very long spears of about six metres in length.He then swept down as far as Egypt.The people there welcomed him as they hated their Persian rulers.

Then Alexander turned to attack the rest of Persia.Both sides used cavalry,but Alexander defeated(打败) the Persians again and took their city of Babylon.He conquered the rest of Persia and swept on to Afghanistan and India.

The Indians were attacked,and in spite of using elephants against Alexander,they were defeated.Being such a large country,Alexander could not possibly conquer the whole of India.He decided to turn back and take over the administration(管理)of his empire.

On the return journey through India,Alexander came across a new town with high walls.Determined to capture(征服)it,his men put ladders(梯子)in place to climb the walls.Alexander himself went up and dropped below.With only three other Greeks,he was surrounded(包围)and in danger of being killed.Fortunately,other Greek soldiers dropped down beside him,and helped him.A spear,however,pierced(刺穿)his armour(盔甲). Suddenly a gate in the walls was pushed open and the Greek army entered,they saved Alexander's life.

A few years later,Alexander was in Babylon.At the young age of 33 he was taken ill.The simple medicines of the day could not cure(治愈) him.He became weaker and died in 323 B.C. His body was placed in a gold coffin(棺材) and finally laid to rest in a tomb at Alexandria,a city in Egypt named after him.

37.Egypt was ruled by__________ before Alexander conquered it.

38.How old was Alexander when he became King?__________ __________

39.The Turkish were called__________ in the past.

40.Were the Persian rulers loved by the people?__________ __________

41.Which countries did Alexander begin to fight against after he conquered Persia?__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

42.What did the Indians use to fight against Alexander?__________

43.Why couldn't Alexander control the whole of India?__________

44.Alexander died in his early thirties because__________ .

45.The name of “Alexandria” was given according to__________ .


21.More than one year. 22.In the autumn,1993.

23.It's not mentioned here.

24.a small cupboard

25.To put our favourite pictures on the locker door.

26—30 AADDA

31.Because he was ill. 32.It was dust.

33.When strong light shows it to us.

34.They catch dust and prevent it going down our lungs.

35.A cloth for cleaning furniture,etc.

36.Soil,grains of pollen,smoke from fires and even germs.

37.Persia 38.At the age of 20. 39.Persian

40.No,they weren't. 41.Afghanistan and India.

42.Elephants. 43.Because the country was too large.

44.he was taken ill 45.Alexander's name

选择填空(Multiple-choice test)


1.Don't read__________ books__________ you can not understand.

A.same;as B.such;what

C.the same;with D.such;as

2.—Do you know Taylor Smith?

—I remember the name but 胡已I can't remember__________ .

A.what does he look like B.what he looks like

C.he looks like what D.like what he looks

3.—Will you come?

—If Mary doesn't come,__________ .

A.so will I B.so do I C.neither will I D.either do I

4.The teacher had explained the sentence to me,but I__________ didn't understand.

A.still B.yet C.always D.already

5.Do you find__________ necessary that I should wear glasses?

A.what B.it C.that D.不填

6.Put on this raincoat,please.The umbrella can't keep the heavy rain__________ .

A.under B.up C.on D.out

7.My father bought me__________ table yesterday.

A.a round small wooden B.a small round wooden

C.round small a wooden D.a wooden round small

8.The soldier hardly knew__________ use the new gun,__________ ?

A.what to;did he B.how to;didn't he

C.when to;didn't he D.how to;did he

9.Several of the stories show how man is__________ .

A.losing his ability to live a rich and meaningful life

B.less and less able to live a rich life with meaning

C.losing his ability to live a rich life and that his life is losing meaning

D.becoming poor of spirit and that meaning is gone from his life

10.Alice is well known__________ her sweet voice__________ all of us.

A.for;to B.about;for C.because of;for D.as;to

11.He was__________ down by a car and was sent to hospital in a hurry.

A.pulled B.put C.knocked D.made

12.—Is Tom an army man?

—No,he is__________ the army.

A.too young to join B.very young to join

C.enough old to join D.too young not to join

13.__________ Jack__________ !He didn't have time for rest.

A.What;is B.How;worked

C.How;is D.What;worked

14.He was a poor teacher who made very little money. Luckily his wife was a good housekeeper who knew how to make a little money go a long way.

A.manage her household

B.go on a long journey with little money

C.earn much money

D.travel without spending money

15.I don't know why children always take to him. Perhaps it's because

he is such an excellent story teller.

A.hate him B.look like him

C.don't believe him D.like him


16.The climate of__________ is mainly hot and dry. Apart from the Valley of the River Nile,which runs through the country from south to north,it consists entirely of desert.

A.Egypt B.Japan C.Australia D.America

17.In the summer,the temperature often reaches 45° in the__________ of the country,and 30° in the north.

A.east B.west C.south D.northeast

18.In winter,the weather is cooler,and along the north coast it is often__________ ,with occasional rain.

A.sunny B.windy C.snowy D.cloudy

19.In Cairo it rains on average for three days a year,__________ in the south of the country rain is almost unknown.

A.but B.and C.so D.or

20.There are often gentle breezes from the north throughout the year,except during March and April,__________ a hot,dusty wind blows from the south.

A.when B.where C.which D.how


A)1—5 DBCAB 6—10 DBDAA 11—15 CABAD

B)16—20 ACDBA
第1个回答  2007-11-17

1.Don't read__________ books__________ you can not understand.

A.same;as B.such;what

C.the same;with D.such;as

2.—Do you know Taylor Smith?

—I remember the name but 胡已I can't remember__________ .

A.what does he look like B.what he looks like

C.he looks like what D.like what he looks

3.—Will you come?

—If Mary doesn't come,__________ .

A.so will I B.so do I C.neither will I D.either do I

4.The teacher had explained the sentence to me,but I__________ didn't understand.

A.still B.yet C.always D.already

5.Do you find__________ necessary that I should wear glasses?

A.what B.it C.that D.不填

6.Put on this raincoat,please.The umbrella can't keep the heavy rain__________ .

A.under B.up C.on D.out

7.My father bought me__________ table yesterday.

A.a round small wooden B.a small round wooden

C.round small a wooden D.a wooden round small

8.The soldier hardly knew__________ use the new gun,__________ ?

A.what to;did he B.how to;didn't he

C.when to;didn't he D.how to;did he

9.Several of the stories show how man is__________ .

A.losing his ability to live a rich and meaningful life

B.less and less able to live a rich life with meaning

C.losing his ability to live a rich life and that his life is losing meaning

D.becoming poor of spirit and that meaning is gone from his life

10.Alice is well known__________ her sweet voice__________ all of us.

A.for;to B.about;for C.because of;for D.as;to

11.He was__________ down by a car and was sent to hospital in a hurry.

A.pulled B.put C.knocked D.made

12.—Is Tom an army man?

—No,he is__________ the army.

A.too young to join B.very young to join

C.enough old to join D.too young not to join

13.__________ Jack__________ !He didn't have time for rest.

A.What;is B.How;worked

C.How;is D.What;worked

14.He was a poor teacher who made very little money. Luckily his wife was a good housekeeper who knew how to make a little money go a long way.

A.manage her household

B.go on a long journey with little money

C.earn much money

D.travel without spending money

15.I don't know why children always take to him. Perhaps it's because

he is such an excellent story teller.

A.hate him B.look like him

C.don't believe him D.like him


16.The climate of__________ is mainly hot and dry. Apart from the Valley of the River Nile,which runs through the country from south to north,it consists entirely of desert.

A.Egypt B.Japan C.Australia D.America

17.In the summer,the temperature often reaches 45° in the__________ of the country,and 30° in the north.

A.east B.west C.south D.northeast

18.In winter,the weather is cooler,and along the north coast it is often__________ ,with occasional rain.

A.sunny B.windy C.snowy D.cloudy

19.In Cairo it rains on average for three days a year,__________ in the south of the country rain is almost unknown.

A.but B.and C.so D.or

20.There are often gentle breezes from the north throughout the year,except during March and April,__________ a hot,dusty wind blows from the south.

A.when B.where C.which D.how


A)1—5 DBCAB 6—10 DBDAA 11—15 CABAD

B)16—20 ACDBA





Mr and Mrs Smith were married thirty years ago,


and they have lived in the same house from then.


Mr Smith went to work at eight every morning,


and he gets to home at half past seven every


evening from Monday to Friday.

there have quite a lot of houses in their street,


and most of neighbors are friendly. But the old lady


in the house opposite Mr and Mrs Smith was died,


and before a few weeks a young man and woman came


to live in it.

Mrs Smith watched them for a few days through


her window and than she said to her husband,“Bill,


the man in the opposite house always kissed his


wife after he leaves in the morning and he


kisses her again when he comes home in the


evening. Why don't do that too?”“Well,”Mr


Smith answered,“I don't know her still.”



76.去掉were 77.from→since 78.went→goes 79.去掉to 80.have→are

81.of后加the或their 82.去掉was 83.before→after 84.√ 85.than→then

86.kissed→kisses 87.after→when 88.√ 89.do前加you 90.still→yet本回答被提问者采纳