

【日常实用口语】 1、I feel sorry for her. 我真为她感到难过。 2、I appreciate that.我很感激。 3、It's all right. Let it out.没事的。放轻松。 4、Do I make myself clear?我说的够清楚了吗? 5、we have nothing in common.我们没有共同点。 6、You deserve it.你活该. 【英语交流中的客套话】 1. So far so good(目前为止,一切都好) 2. Be my guest(请便、别客气) 3. You're the boss(听你的) 4.I've heard so much about you!(久仰大名!) 5. I'll keep my ears open(我会留意的) 6. Sorry to bother you(抱歉打扰你。) 7.That's really something!(真了不起!) 【常用四词短句】 1.Come to the point! 有话直说! 2.Don't give me that! 少来这套! 3.Don't let me down! 别让我失望! 4.Give me a break!饶了我吧! 5.It’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的! 6.None of your business! 没你事! 7.So far, so good!还过得去! 8.You have my word!我保证!