人教版八年级下册英语第四单元SectionA 3b 仿写 急急急!!!


Last night an "Yong Lives",It was an exciting night,there was a surprise party,Lana said she would bring some driinks and snaks to Marcia's house on Friday night,but lana forget to bring some things, Marcia was still very glad, then they went to the park outside Marcia's house, Marcia and Lana were surprised to see their classmates, they smildd ,they every students take out their gifts, they laughed ate and drink,how happy they one day!
第1个回答  2012-03-31
Last night an "Yong Lives",It was an exciting night,there was a surprise party,Lana said she would bring some driinks and snaks to Marcia's house on Friday night,but lana forgot to bring some things, Marcia was still very glad, then they went to the park outside Marcia's house, Marcia and Lana were surprised to see their classmates, they smiled ,all the students take out their gifts, they laughed, ate and drink,how happy they one day!