

1. To spend money like water: 花钱如流水
2. To make money hand over fist: 赚大钱
3. To cost an arm and a leg: 非常昂贵
4. To break the bank: 打破银行,指的是赢得所有的钱或者奖品
5. To have money on the brain: 非常贪婪
6. To be worth its weight in gold: 非常有价值的
7. To turn money into dirt: 把钱变成废物
8. To make a killing: 赚一大笔钱
9. To pay through the nose: 付出极大的代价
10. To turn a blind eye: 对某些事情视而不见
11. To be tight with money: 吝啬的
12. To roll in wealth: 拥有大量的财富
13. To speak of the devil: 说到点子上
14. To cost an arm and a leg: 代价非常高昂
15. To be better off: 更富有
16. To make hay while the sun shines: 在阳光灿烂的时候做草料,意味着及时行乐或者抓住机会
17. To be hard up for money: 缺乏资金
18. To grease someone's palm: 行贿
19. To have money to burn: 有大量的钱可以挥霍
20. To be flush with money: 拥有大量的钱
第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-06
Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨
throw one's money about挥金如土本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-09-29
Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨
throw one's money about挥金如土本回答被网友采纳