

英 语

听力(20×1.5=30):1—5 ABBAC 6—10 ACCAB 11—15 CACAB 16—20 CBACB
单选(15×1=15):21—25 CBDAB 26—30 ABCDA 31—35 DCABC
完形填空(20×1.5=30):36—40 BADAC 41—45 ACBDA 46—50 CADCB 51—55 DBACB
阅读理解(15×2=30):56—59 BCA D 60—63 CDBA 64—66 DCA 67—70 DBAD
七选五阅读填空(5×2=10): 71—75 DEAFC
We senior school students do have some growing pains. Take some of my classmate for example,
they often feel upset because∧ the expectations from parents, endless homework and the pressure of exams.
These serious affect their physical and mental well-being. Therefore, I think about it quite necessary to
take measures to relieve the pains. First, that is a good idea to have heart-to-heart talks with our
parents, tell them we won’t disappoint them. Meanwhile, it’s advisable to spare some time to take some
exercise beside our devotion to the studies so that we will always feel relaxing and energetic.
besides relaxed
As long as we were fully prepared, we are sure to achieve great success in my academic performance.
are our
One possible version:
Dear Nancy,
I am glad to know that you are coming to China and teaching in our school here.
I have found an apartment for you. It is a two-bedroom apartment with a living room and it is fully furnished. It is located in the city, close to the bus stop, which is about 100 meters away. The rent is 1,500 yuan per month. You will find it convenient and fun to live there. The hospital is just around the corner. A shopping mall, a movie theater, and a park are also very close to the apartment.
It is a nice apartment and should suit your needs well. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

Text 1
M: Can I have a packet of Mellon cigarettes, please?
W: Have you got proof of your age, please? You know we’re not allowed to sell to under-sixteens.
Text 2
M: Can I have five photocopies of this, please? How much is a copy?
W: It’s ten pence a copy, but I’m afraid the machine’s out of order at the moment.
Text 3
W: Have you seen my new passport photographs? I put them on the bookshelf.
M: Oh yes, I was showing them to Pat. He says they make you look like that newsreader on the television.
Text 4
M: I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.
W: Really? That’s very early. I get up at half past seven, and have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
M: I have breakfast at a quarter to seven and go to work at a quarter past seven.
Text 5
M: How was your vacation at the beach with your family?
W: It was a lot of fun. We went swimming and fishing. We even had a picnic on a small island.
M: That sounds good.
W: And I had a great time with my mum and dad. That was the best part.
Text 6
W: What should I do to stay in shape, Danny?
M: Just look around you, Susan. Look at me, for example.
W: I am looking at you. You don’t lift weights. You don’t belong to a health club.
M: No. But I go jogging regularly: me and Tony.
W: Hm.
M: And look at Beth. She plays tennis like a champion and her mother jogs.
W: And what about Richard?
M: He’s a couch potato, like you. He works too hard, and he often has backache. Do you want to end up like that?
W: OK, OK.
Text 7
M: And now to Jane Ramirez in the Channel 12 Traffic Copter for this morning’s road report. Jane?
W: Thanks. OK, it’s looking pretty bad down there from up here. There’s been an accident on the East Coast Expressway, between Beach Street and Pine Avenue. Looks like two trucks have hit each other. One of them overturned, and traffic has stopped completely in both directions. If you’re driving into the city, I really recommend you avoid the East Coast Expressway, and take another road.
Text 8
W: Can I help you?
M: Yes, thank you. I’d like a round trip ticket from New York to Miami for next Sunday.
W: Is that the 21st of February?
M: Yes, it is.
W: That’ll be $400.
M: $400? You advertise a round trip ticket for $110.
W: Oh. That’s only on weekdays.
M: Well then I’ll fly on Monday and the 22nd of February.
W: I’m sorry. To get that price, you need to reserve your ticket a month in advance.
M: Hmm. Well then, I’ll take a round trip ticket for March 22. How’s that?
W: OK. Let me check the computer. I’m so sorry. We’ve sold out for that day. How about April 22?
M: April 22? I wanted to get away from the cold weather in New York in February. It’s not cold in April! I don’t want to leave New York in April. Sorry.
Text 9
M: We had the best time that summer, didn’t we?
W: Yes, I think that was the best mountain climbing expedition I ever did. It was frightening but exciting.
M: Who was the leader that time?
W: It was a man called John. I remember he was very tall with blond hair and bright blue eyes. He saved our lives.
M: That’s right. Was it June or July we went?
W: It was definitely June because it was at the same time as my birthday.
M: Yes, it was so hot, wasn’t it? It’s said that’s what caused the problem.
W: Yes, he said it melted the snow. Then large pieces of ice began to fall. I remember looking up and seeing all that snow coming down the mountain towards me.
M: Yes, it was incredible. I didn’t really feel it was dangerous. But a moment later we were under the snow.
Text 10
Boys and girls, I’m glad to introduce two activities to you.
Have you ever thought of being a DJ yourself? The Campus Radio Broadcast gives a chance for all
of you to try. We will provide participants with DJ training. Students will be the DJs to host the radio broadcast in April and May. The radio programme will be broadcast during lunchtime from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The broadcast station will be held at the school hall.
Have you ever watched a drama in English? The Rainbow Drama Club will present the Drama Night
on the 25th of June. All students are welcome to participate in it. Drama lovers, don’t miss this chance and sign up for it now! The drama will be held at the open playground from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Students who are interested, please sign up at the Student Union near the School Office. I’m sure
these two activities will give you unforgettable experiences. Thank you very much!