

1. Is this book--------- you wanted to borrow last ?
a. which b. that c. the one d. then
2. To succeed,-------- I need is your help.
a. which b. all that c. everyday what d, only that
3. Is this the calculator-------you borrowed from Jane?
a. one b. the one what c. the one d. which
4. The six blind men asked for money from people-------by.
a. passed b. who passed c. who were passed d. who passing
5. The students---------football on the playground didn’t hear what the teacher said.
a. who playing b. play c. playing d. played

答案 cbdbc
1题和3题同意上个回答者的意见,因为BOOK和CALCULATOR都是可数名词单数,都需要用冠词,因此1题没冠词就用the one表语,one指代BOOK,后面省略了THAT来引导定语从句修饰THE ONE。换成正常语序成为 This book is the one (that) you wanted to borrow last.3题则有了THE,成为一个标准的定语从句。
2题应该用all that,all为先行词,that I need为定从。这里的all that 还可以换为what, 变为主语从句。其实这两者经常互换来考。
4题考察的是定从和非谓语动词的区别。选A是不对的,因为pass by 路过本来就很少用到被动,被路过吗?答案中如果有PASSING的话就可以选,是现在分词做后置定语,表主动。b为定从用法,who passed by 修饰people,路过的人。
5题也是非谓语动词students和play football之间是一种主动的关系,学生踢球。这个时候可以用现在分词做后置定语。只有被动才用played.