用四个频率副词家人生活 英语作文


您好:The sun shines warmly these days. So I suddenly find that it may not be fall anyway. Recently, I 've read about a novel written by Mickey Albume which named The five people you meet in heaven. I think it’s an excellent work. Cause, ah, it really is rich of philosophic theory about life. By the way, I am fond of reading the novels of 4,5,6,70yuars in the USA . They are not that historical anyway , but through the story or some emotions people express. Whatever, the book the watch of the khy which somehow I read it in summer vocation. Before my reading, I ‘ve heard of it’s great influence to the readers of old America. And so did I. In my mind, however, it ‘s essential of us college students to read some meaningful things not just boring love story somehow. Well, to be a intelligent guy is so fine.
