





1. Choose a suitable American drama
For example, Prison Break and Dr House are professional drama. Although the dramas are very interesting, but the professional nouns are not suitable to be used in our daily lives. A drama that is related to daily life can improve our English standard, therefore it is more suitable for learning English purpose.

2. Abandon subtitles
If you are depending on subtitles while you are watching American dramas, it will be hard to improve your English standard. The correct way is, after you watched a drama, you need to try to ignore the subtitles and repeat watching the drama for few times, if you persist on doing so, you can improve your English standard.

3. Once is not enough
If you only watch the drama once, it is not for English learning purpose, it can only be called as entertainment. If you want to learn English, you need to watch the drama repeatedly, listen carefully to what they said, understand the meaning of the sentence and use the words in your daily life.

4. Learn pure pronunciation
If you want to learn English from American drama, the most important is learning pure pronunciation. Listen carefully of the language habits of the characters and their pronunciation , you can understand better American customs.
第1个回答  2011-03-05
1. Choose to suit oneself beauty drama

Prison break the house doctor "professional American play, although very good-looking, but one of the professional term not often used in life, and relatively lack of American TV can further enhance English level, more suitable for learning English.

2 the subtitles cast aside

If you are using American play learning time is very dependent on subtitles, then your English level is hard to improve. The right way is: after watching it again, try not to take any subtitles again see several times, keep doing this you will improve.

3. Watch it again is not enough

Look again simply cannot call to learn English, at best, only can call entertainment. If is holding the purpose of learning, must be repeated look, fine listen, understanding the meanings of the word, sentence time.in order to just go.

4 the copy from pure beauty pronunciation

In the use of American play in the process of learning English is the most important is to imitate the pronunciation. Carefully experience beauty the various roles language habits and pronunciation, you can learn more about American culture.
第2个回答  2011-03-05
1.Choose to suit oneself beauty drama
Prison break the house doctor "professional American play, although very good-looking, but one of the professional term not often used in life, and relatively lack of American TV can further enhance English level, more suitable for learning English.
2.Shif the subtitles cast aside
If you are using American play learning time is very dependent on subtitles, then your English level is hard to improve. The right way is: after watching it again, try not to take any subtitles again see several times, keep doing this you will improve.
3.Watch it again is not enough
Look again simply cannot call to learn English, at best, only can call entertainment. If is holding the purpose of learning, must be repeated look, fine listen, understanding the meanings of the word, sentence time.in order to just go。
4.From the pure beauty copy pronunciation
In the use of American play in the process of learning English is the most important is to imitate the pronunciation. Carefully experience beauty the various roles language habits and pronunciation, you can learn more about American culture.