

My Hobby (换成my friend's hobby)

A hobby is the form of recreation of the mind and body. People's hobby differ very much according to the character of the person. The best form of recreation is one that can develop one awareness, colour, concentration and observational power.
In pursuance of a hobby, one can enjoy one's leisure and learn at the same time. Different person have different tastes and choices. Some choose gardening, some like drawing picture, some like painting, rearing birds, catching fish and so on. It is followed during leisure hour. It does not bring money but it brings immense pleasure and joy to us. It is necessary to make our life enjoyable and cheerful. Without it life becomes dull and monotonous.
Like the others, I also have my hobbies. They are: drawing and painting, decorating the house and chatting with friends.
A hobby gives pleasure as well as instruction. It makes a person active and strong. A man who has a hobby does not spend his spare time in idleness. He engages in useful works. It increases his knowledge too.
I like to draw and paint because I find it very interesting. I do it during my leisure time. But to do a nice painting, the truth is that I have to lose a lot of energy and I have to work very carefully and attentively. I find it very interesting because there is a lot of fun in drawing and painting which cannot be expressed in words. I give my full attention when I do the work because someday I want to be an artist. And if I draw it nicely then with it I can decorate my house.
To draw and paint I need many things such as: different types of brushes, thinner, colour, glue, tissue ... etc. Sometimes I take my teachers help from whom I have learned how to draw and paint. Always I work in a silent place so I can give my full attention. People think that I lose my energy in doing such stupid things but its really a source of joy and pleasure for me and after finishing my painting they just say wow! It's very beautiful.
Painting is really a great thing as a hobby. It brings joy and pleasure to a person life. If we can use it, then one day it will bring joy in our life. I want to do more paintings and make this an important thing of my life. I have many paintings at home and whenever I get time, I do some more.
Oh great! I just love to gossip with my friends on phone. Sometimes I wish I could talk to my friends throughout the whole day. I do this during my leisure hours. Sometimes I gossip, but sometimes I have to tell important things to my friends about many topics. I know there is no profit in this still I do it because I discuss everything with my friends.
Always, first of all I tell everything to my friends especially when I am in trouble, but not to everyone only to my close friend and they are: Shojib, Faisal, Yaam and Zarin. When I have nothing to discuss with them I talk with my other friends.
Decorating a house, Oh! that's very interesting to do. I don't do this during my leisure, I do it when I get a holiday from school. I like it because there's lot of fun in it and it makes my house look beautiful. This doesn't make me lose my energy. Sometimes I imagine the scheme and then I follow it. I watch the series 'Meri Saheli' on the TV to get some ideas.
Then I take idea from different magazines, and from different place and sometimes I use my own. I attend the export fair, I go to the market to buy different types of things etc.
Decorating a house is really a great source of joy and pleasure to me. In fact all of my hobbies keep me very busy and tied up.
第1个回答  2005-12-28
"My friend"

Good morning, fellow classmates. Today, I am going to talk about my friend-Wang Yu.

Wang Yu is a very ingenious student, his performance at school is outstanding. People in his class always admire his talent.However, he is a strange person. Wang Yu, likes to sit in a place on his own, he tells me that he hate noisy
people, he really a place that is quiet and calm.

Wang Yu, looks neat whenever you see him. He always carry his bag whenever he go out. He believe that by carrying a bag on his back, makes him look strong,and provides him a sense of feeling safety.

Wang Yu, is a hard workng student. Once he finished school, he always finish his homework before doing anything else. Due to the lack of money problem within his family , he have to go out and work. All in all, being friend of him, I feel that I am very lucky.

Thank you all for listening to my speech.本回答被提问者采纳