
旗中央是太极图案,四周配以八卦图形。太极图中的红色代表阳,蓝色代表阴,阴阳合一代表宇宙的平衡与和谐。火与水,昼与夜,黑暗与光明,建设与破坏,男与女,主动与被动,热与冷,正与负等,作为宇宙中两种伟大 的力量,通过相互对立而达到和谐与平衡。以太极为中心,四角的卦分别象征阴阳互相调和,乾卦代表天空,坤卦代表大地,坎卦是月亮和水,离卦为太阳和火,各个卦还象征着正义、富饶、生命力和智慧。据韩国的解释,国旗底色为白色,象征韩国人民的纯洁和对和平的热爱。而整个国旗则代表韩国人民永远与宇宙协调发展的理想。韩国国旗的太极和八卦思想来自中国的《周易》。和谐、对称、平衡、循环、稳定等原理代表着中华民族对宇宙,对人生的深刻思考。



实际上,在中国近代的相关书籍中很容易找到关于韩国太极旗的来历。历史很清楚的记载了一切:1882年,朝鲜使臣朴泳孝和金玉筠即将出使日本,临行前向中国清朝北洋政府请求将中国的龙旗作为国旗使用,北洋 政府回复称藩属国不能用五爪龙旗只能用四爪龙旗。由于当时朝鲜当局对日渐没落的清廷已经有些不买账了,所以没有接受清廷的要求。其时奉李鸿章之命出使朝鲜的中国使节马建忠(中国近代大语言学家,当时和其兄复旦大学创始人马相伯一起出使朝鲜)建议朝鲜政府采用中国传统的太极八卦旗作为国旗使用,这个建议得到了朝鲜政府的采纳 ,所以,最早的朝鲜国旗是一面不折不扣的白底黑色图案的太极八卦旗。后来,一名英国驻朝鲜的使节用西方美学 的角度为这面太极八卦旗做了修改,去掉了八卦中的四卦,把剩下的四卦斜向对称拉伸,使整个国旗图案呈长方形 ,把阴阳鱼图案改为红蓝两色,这样才有了现在我们看到的韩国太极旗。 

当然这面改进型的太极四卦旗的来历在 韩国一定要被忽略掉,大韩民族的国旗怎么可以是两个外国人设计的?所以才有了那个“灵机一动”的版本。



第1个回答  2011-03-19
The flag of South Korea, or Taegeukgi (also spelled Taegukgi in convention) has three parts: a white background; a red and blue taegeuk in the centre; and four black trigrams, one in each corner of the flag.
The general design of the flag also derives from traditional use of the tricolour symbol (red, blue and yellow) by Koreans starting from the early era of Korean history. The white background symbolises "cleanliness of the people." The Taegeuk represents the origin of all things in the universe; holding the two principles of eun and yang; the former being the negative aspect rendered in blue, and the latter as the positive aspect rendered in red, in perfect balance. Together, they represent a continuous movement within infinity, the two merging as one. Traditionally, the four trigrams are related to the Five Elements of fire, water, earth, wood, and metal. An analogy could also be drawn with the four western classical elements.
The flag was designed by Young-Hyo Park and first adopted as a symbol by the Kingdom of Korea in 1882. During the colonial era, the flag was banned. The Taegeukgi was used as a symbol of resistance and independence during that time and ownership of it was punishable by execution. After independence, both North and South Korea initially adopted versions of the Taegeukgi, but North Korea later changed its national flag to a more Soviet-inspired design after three years .The Constituent Assembly of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) has officially adopted the Taegeukgi as the national flag since July 12, 1948. After the establishment of the government of the Republic of Korea, "The Rules for the flag of the Republic of Korea" was first enacted.

参考资料:from Wiki

第2个回答  2011-03-19
Tai Chi Qi is the central pattern, accompanied by gossip surrounding graphics. Diagram of the red for positive, blue for negative, yin and yang balance of unity and harmony on behalf of the universe. Fire and water, day and night, darkness and light, construction and destruction, men and women, active and passive, heat and cold, positive and negative, etc., as the two great forces in the universe, by each other to achieve harmony and balance between opposing . Ethernet is very central, a symbol of yin and yang, the four corners of the diagram, respectively, to reconcile with each other, Qian on behalf of the sky, Kun behalf of the earth, moon and water Kangua from the diagram of the sun and fire, each hexagram is also a symbol of justice, fertile, vitality and wisdom . According to the interpretation of Korea, the flag background is white, symbolizing purity of the Korean people and the love of peace. The flag represents the entire Korean people will always ideal for the coordinated development of the universe. Korean flag Chinese Tai Chi and Bagua ideas came from the "Book of Changes. " Harmony, symmetry, balance, circulation, stability and other representatives of the Chinese nation principle of the universe, of life's profound thinking.