文章《spring sowing》(春播)表达了什么?

现代大学英语精读4 第七课spring sowing

文章《spring sowing》(春播)表达了年轻人对理想的追求,对生活的憧憬与热爱。

The story describes the first day of the first spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the background of a traditional agricultural country.  The story here does not have much of a plot. But the author has seized a very dramatic moment in the young couple’s life and has shown their life and dreams through his descriptions of their spring planting in minute detail. It is this quality that the power of this story mainly lies.




第1个回答  推荐于2019-08-21

The story describes the first day of the first spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the background of a traditional agricultural country. The story here does not have much of a plot. But the author has seized a very dramatic moment in the young couple’s life and has shown their life and dreams through his descriptions of their spring planting in minute detail. It is this quality that the power of this story mainly lies.



大学英语四级短文:如何有意义的生活 How to live a meaningful life

It maybe our common desires to experience a meaning life, but when it comes to the topic “How to live a meaningful life”, the opinions are divided. In someone’s eyes, they agree that a meaningful life is just a comfortable life which means they can enjoy themselves as possible as they can.


However, personally in my view, if we spend our whole life in pursuing things only for ourselves, we will surely let ourselves down when we look back. There’s an old saying that goes “The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it”. I can’t agree more. If there is a way to avoid a disappointed life, it should be to try our best to find meaningful things which can also make contributions to the whole society. Even a single man can make a big difference to the world. Not to mention that everyone get together to bring changes to the society.


It’s high time that we took measures to experience a meaning life. What’s more, it’s never too late to start a meaning life. So be yourself, enjoy your happiness and be helpful to others. That’s the meaning life worth living.


第2个回答  推荐于2019-09-18


2、英文答案:The story describes the first day of the first spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the background of a traditional agricultural country. The story here does not have much of a plot. But the author has seized a very dramatic moment in the young couple’s life and has shown their life and dreams through his descriptions of their spring planting in minute detail. It is this quality that the power of this story mainly lies.


1、The Beginning of Spring.

立春春打六九头, 春播备耕早动手, 一年之计在于春, 农业生产创高优。

2、Rain Water.

雨水春雨贵如油, 顶凌耙耘防墒流, 多积肥料多打粮, 精选良种夺丰收。

3、The Vernal Equinox.

春分风多雨水少, 土地解冻起春潮, 稻田平整早翻晒, 冬麦返青把水浇。


清明春始草青青, 种瓜点豆好时辰 植树造林种甜菜, 水稻育秧选好种。

第3个回答  推荐于2017-10-03
The story describes the first day of the first spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the background of a traditional agricultural country. The story here does not have much of a plot. But the author has seized a very dramatic moment in the young couple’s life and has shown their life and dreams through his descriptions of their spring planting in minute detail. It is this quality that the power of this story mainly lies.

第4个回答  2012-05-13
The themes of his works came from the experience of growing up in the extremely poor community in Ireland, and during which his character and writing style were affected a lot.