





然而,我们平常对于打招呼的话,习惯性的只有:How are you? How do you do? 两句,到底老外在现实生活里面是怎么说话的呢?看看美国电视剧收视神话《老友记》,里面6个年轻人天天和不同的人打招呼,整整10年了,都没有什么重复的话出现。里面大量的时髦日常用语,是大家学习美国口语挖掘不尽的宝藏。一句How you doing?换不同的语音语调,意思也马上随之改头换面。这样学习英语的过程将不再是suffering, 而是有所收获感到高兴的过程。





1. 电影为语言的运用提供了更真实的情景,使用者更能领悟语言的意境。

近年来随着社会的不断发展,人们的文化生活丰富多彩。 人们对于文化的需求不断的上升。电影事业发展迅速,成为文化阵地的领头羊。往往一部电影的发行和放映,就引起一股社会的潮流和时尚。尤其是一些大片已经与人们的生活息息相关。一部大片的发行,人们争先恐后的观看。生怕走在时代的后面。中学生尤其如此。 大片无论从他的投资和制作都堪称为典范。其中的故事性强,情节曲折,语言考究并具有时代特色。除次之外,还有经过改编的经典文学巨著的影片,其包含的文化和历史可为文化的珠宝,永发光芒。从而使人们走进时间隧道,去遨游的最好去处。人们可以从中不断的汲取精神的营养。

然而,电影作为一种文化传播工具,提供了最好的语言情景,和最实用的语言.电影的对白配合上情景和人物的表情,不像我们课本上的文字那么枯燥,那么难以理解.如我们在观赏狮子王片段时,当辛巴和父亲一起在晨曦中眺望自己统治的辽阔疆域时,父亲讲到Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom…。那种唯美的画面和音乐不仅吸引了学生的注意力,也使学生很容易地理解了这句带有定语从句的复合句及他们所说的每一句话,更使他们充分感悟到了生命的价值和狮子王浓浓的父爱。而如果把这一段以书本的形式一字一句的交给学生是无法让他们体验到尊重生命的哲理的。我们还要花更多的时间使学生理解每一句话。这种学习语言的方式是机械的.常常是背了很多到用时还不能用的地道,也不能用的符合英语国家人的习惯。

Listening basis of poor students, should pay attention to choose their favorite listening activities. For example, adhere to watch English movies, is an effective way to improve listening, because the visual images to support the film, so listening comprehension easier. Have a basic ability in listening, you can adhere to listen to English radio and English lectures. Here, it is worth recalling that, effective listening involves complex learning activities. Learners in mind the imitation of pronunciation and intonation, but also listening material should be learning and memory in the emergence of new knowledge of the language, and attention to differentiate between formal speaking, the different daily oral and written expressions.

Because the film has the complete story, the beautiful sounds of the theme music, very shocking, and students consistent access to information, and therefore the right movie can bring beauty to enjoy, to stimulate our interest in learning English.

Language is the product of the environment, so everyone in learning spoken language, especially when the Lianting Li, to continue to give themselves reflects this environment.

Movies most helpful in learning English, president of the Expo, said Zhang Feng, a foreign language, must see English movies, do not see subtitles, has been listening to go, when you can distinguish a very long and soon to be talking about the number of words in a sentence the time to prove your English skills improve

Because the domestic environment, due to the absence of domestic English learners oral English learning difficulties, watch English movies is actually a good way to learn English. The article to popular U.S. sitcom "Friends" (Friends) as an example to explain the original movie voice, sentences and vocabulary, content and subject matter, and culture and thinking in the improvement of spoken English learning effect.

However, we are usually for a greeting, the habit of only: How are you? How do you do? Two, in the end there is a foreigner in real life, how to speak it? Myth of American TV viewers to see "Friends", which six young people, different people every day and say hello, a full 10 years, and have nothing to repeat the words appear. A large number of fashionable everyday language which is spoken mining them to learn different American treasure. A How you doing? For a different tone of voice, meaning is immediately followed a face-lift. This process of learning English is no longer suffering, but something to get happy process.

Original English sentence arbitrary power, incomplete, its main features. In the process of learning English, English learners in China is written contact with most of the body. TV drama in English, verbal body language material is the most important features, manifested in oral expression in the usual fashion, slang and related cross-cultural factors.

In the film, the role of many, according to the requirements of the story, each character has their own unique voice, tone and speed, coupled with the linking, the weak reading, etc., these and our study falls far short of listening materials, it makes it difficult to see (hear) the original film in English to understand the situation.

Therefore, to see the original English film and television drama is the best way to practice English listening and speaking, voice and images through film and television drama together constitute the complete information, the visual stimulation and auditory stimuli in an effective combination, this is not achieved by other means of learning , while also mobilizing interest in learning English, so that load study in music.

The role of the movie is:

1. The film is the use of language provides a more realistic scenario, the user can better comprehend the language of the mood.

With the continuous development in recent years, people rich and varied cultural life. People for the culture of the rise in demand. Film industry developed rapidly and become a leader in cultural positions. Often a film distribution and exhibition, it caused a wave of social trends and fashion. In particular, some large areas have been closely linked with people's lives. The release of a large, people rush to watch. Afraid to go behind the times. Students in particular. Large in terms of his investment and production can be termed as a prime example. One of the strong narrative, plot twists and turns, elegant language and characteristics of the times. In addition to time, there are great works of literature through the adaptation of the classic film, which includes the culture and history as a cultural jewel, never made light. So that people went into the time tunnel, the best place to surf. People can continue to learn from the spirit of nutrition.

Film on the language and customs, as well as the fact that students understand the history of world culture and the main means of the window. It can meet the students have the greatest degree of knowledge and cultural needs. Characteristics of characters in movies, language, the unique behavior of infection.
However, the film as a cultural communication tool that offers the best language scenarios, and the most useful language. The movie with dialogue and the facial expression on the scene, unlike the text on our books so boring, so difficult to understand. If We watch the Lion King segment, when Simba and his father in the morning overlooking the vast territory ruled by the time his father talked about Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom .... Beautiful images and music that not only attracted the attention of students, but also to enable students to easily understand the sentence complex sentences with attributive clauses and every word they say, more so that they fully came to realize that his life value and the Lion King thick father. And if this book form a word by word to the students so that they can not experience the philosophy of respect for life. We would also like to spend more time to enable students to understand every word. This way of learning a language is mechanical. Often back a lot of use was also unable to use the tunnel, nor can people in line with the habit of English-speaking countries.
第1个回答  2011-02-13
English listening based bad student, must pay attention to choose their own like listening activities. For example, insist to watch English movies, is the effective way of improving listening, because of the visual movie picture supports, make the listening comprehension become easier. With both basic listening ability after, can hold to listen to English radio and English lecture. Here, those who be worth to remind is, effective listening process involves complex learning activities. Learners besides attention imitate pronunciation and intonation besides, still should be learning and memory listening material in the occurrence of new language knowledge, and distinguish formal written and oral spoken, daily different expression.

Due to the film has complete story plot, beautiful moving theme music, extremely powerful heart-quake force, and students to obtain information channel anastomosis,, so the right film can give a person to bring beautifulenjoying, stimulate our interest for learning English.

Language is the creature of circumstances, so everyone in the study spoken English, especially in practice listening time, want to continue to give oneself which reflects this kind of environment.

Movie most helpful in learning English, sunbo foreign language of zhangfeng school principal said, must read original English movies, don't read the subtitles, always bear to listen, when you can distinguish a very long and was said quickly sentence word number, prove your English level enhanced

Because of the lack of domestic English environment caused by domestic English learners learning difficulties, watching the oral English original edition movie is actually a good way to learn English. Based on the popular American situation comedy Friends record "(for example, makes) respectively explains from the film's speech, sentences and words, content and theme and culture and way of thinking in spoken English learning of enhancing effect.

However, we usually for words, habitual greeting only: How sucstressed copy? How do you do? Two sentences, what the foreigner in real life inside is how to speak? Look at the American TV viewing myth "weird that", inside 6 young people every day with different people say "hello", for 10 years, do not have what repeat words appear. Inside a lot of fashionable daily expressions, we are learning spoken American English mining inexhaustible treasure. 1 How you spend? Change different pronunciation intonation, meaning immediately subsequently month. So the process of learning English will no longer be suffering, but a harvest happy process.

The original electric English sentence capriciousness, incomplete is its main features. In English learning process, our English learners contact the majority is written language. And in English movie and TV drama, oral body language materials is the most important feature, the specific performance in the spoken language popular expression, slang handedness and related cross-cultural factors.

And in film, the characters according to the requirements of numerous, drama, every character has its unique pronunciation, intonation and speed, plus liaison, weak reading, these and we learn English listening material far, reason caused difficult to see (listen) understand English original movies.

Consequently, reading original English films is the best way to practice English listening, film and television play by voice and image together make up the complete information, visual stimulation and auditory stimulus effectively combine together, it is other learning means place cannot achieve, also can mobilize interest for learning English, do contain study in joy.

That movie role lies in:

1. The film as language provides more real situation, users can understand the language more artistic conception.

In recent years, with the continuous development of society, people's cultural life rich and colorful. People in cultural demand continues to climb. The film industry has developed rapidly and become the leader of cultural positions. Often a movie the issuance and screening, cause a cold social trends and fashion. Especially a few large has with people's life. A big issue, people strived to watch. Afraid to walk in the era of behind. Especially middle school students. Large no matter from his investment and making can weighs as the model. One of the story is strong, plots, language and with special age. Elegant Except second besides, still have adaptations of classic literature masterpiece films, it contains the culture and history of jewelry for culture, yongfa light. Thus makes the people into time tunnel, the best place to travel. People can get from constantly absorbing spirit of nutrition.

Film contains language and custom, and historical facts are students understand the world cultural window and main means. It can be the greatest degree of satisfaction of students for intellectual and cultural needs. In the movie characters, language, behavior of unique infectious. The problem is additional:

However, the film as a cultural transmission tools, provides the best language scene, and most practical language. The movie dialogue with scenes and characters of expression, unlike our textbook writing that boring, that is difficult to understand. If we watch the lion king clips, when Simba with my father in the early morning overlooking the vast territory you rule, the father says Look Simba, everything, the light touches is kingdom is... . That beautiful pictures and music not only attracted the attention of students, also make students easily understand this sentence with preverbal compound sentence and they said every word, more make them full comprehension to the value of life and lion king thick a father. And if this paragraph in book form to the students is the literal cannot let them experience the respect life of philosophy. We spend more time to make students understand every word. This way of learning a language is mechanical. Often is a back a lot to -though also cannot use authentic, also cannot use complies with English speaking country person's habits.
第2个回答  2011-02-20
这是问题 English listening based bad student, must pay attention to choose their own like listening activities. For example, insist to watch English movies, is the effective way of improving listening, because of the visual movie picture supports, make the listening comprehension become easier. With both basic listening ability after, can hold to listen to English radio and English lecture. Here, those who be worth to remind is, effective listening process involves complex learning activities. Learners besides attention imitate pronunciation and intonation besides, still should be learning and memory listening material in the occurrence of new language knowledge, and distinguish formal written and oral spoken, daily different expression.

Due to the film has complete story plot, beautiful moving theme music, extremely powerful heart-quake force, and students to obtain information channel anastomosis,, so the right film can give a person to bring beautifulenjoying, stimulate our interest for learning English.

Language is the creature of circumstances, so everyone in the study spoken English, especially in practice listening time, want to continue to give oneself which reflects this kind of environment.

Movie most helpful in learning English, sunbo foreign language of zhangfeng school principal said, must read original English movies, don't read the subtitles, always bear to listen, when you can distinguish a very long and was said quickly sentence word number, prove your English level enhanced

Because of the lack of domestic English environment caused by domestic English learners learning difficulties, watching the oral English original edition movie is actually a good way to learn English. Based on the popular American situation comedy Friends record "(for example, makes) respectively explains from the film's speech, sentences and words, content and theme and culture and way of thinking in spoken English learning of enhancing effect.

However, we usually for words, habitual greeting only: How sucstressed copy? How do you do? Two sentences, what the foreigner in real life inside is how to speak? Look at the American TV viewing myth "weird that", inside 6 young people every day with different people say "hello", for 10 years, do not have what repeat words appear. Inside a lot of fashionable daily expressions, we are learning spoken American English mining inexhaustible treasure. 1 How you spend? Change different pronunciation intonation, meaning immediately subsequently month. So the process of learning English will no longer be suffering, but a harvest happy process.

The original electric English sentence capriciousness, incomplete is its main features. In English learning process, our English learners contact the majority is written language. And in English movie and TV drama, oral body language materials is the most important feature, the specific performance in the spoken language popular expression, slang handedness and related cross-cultural factors.

And in film, the characters according to the requirements of numerous, drama, every character has its unique pronunciation, intonation and speed, plus liaison, weak reading, these and we learn English listening material far, reason caused difficult to see (listen) understand English original movies.

Consequently, reading original English films is the best way to practice English listening, film and television play by voice and image together make up the complete information, visual stimulation and auditory stimulus effectively combine together, it is other learning means place cannot achieve, also can mobilize interest for learning English, do contain study in joy.

That movie role lies in:

1. The film as language provides more real situation, users can understand the language more artistic conception.

In recent years, with the continuous development of society, people's cultural life rich and colorful. People in cultural demand continues to climb. The film industry has developed rapidly and become the leader of cultural positions. Often a movie the issuance and screening, cause a cold social trends and fashion. Especially a few large has with people's life. A big issue, people strived to watch. Afraid to walk in the era of behind. Especially middle school students. Large no matter from his investment and making can weighs as the model. One of the story is strong, plots, language and with special age. Elegant Except second besides, still have adaptations of classic literature masterpiece films, it contains the culture and history of jewelry for culture, yongfa light. Thus makes the people into time tunnel, the best place to travel. People can get from constantly absorbing spirit of nutrition.

Film contains language and custom, and historical facts are students understand the world cultural window and main means. It can be the greatest degree of satisfaction of students for intellectual and cultural needs. In the movie characters, language, behavior of unique infectious.

这是问题补充 However, the film as a cultural transmission tools, provides the best language scene, and most practical language. The movie dialogue with scenes and characters of expression, unlike our textbook writing that boring, that is difficult to understand. If we watch the lion king clips, when Simba with my father in the early morning overlooking the vast territory you rule, the father says Look Simba, everything, the light touches is kingdom is... . That beautiful pictures and music not only attracted the attention of students, also make students easily understand this sentence with preverbal compound sentence and they said every word, more make them full comprehension to the value of life and lion king thick a father. And if this paragraph in book form to the students is the literal cannot let them experience the respect life of philosophy. We spend more time to make students understand every word. This way of learning a language is mechanical. Often is a back a lot to -though also cannot use authentic, also cannot use complies with English speaking country person's habits.
第3个回答  2011-02-09
English listening based bad student, must pay attention to choose their own like listening activities. For example, insist to watch English movies, is the effective way of improving listening, because of the visual movie picture supports, make the listening comprehension become easier. With both basic listening ability after, can hold to listen to English radio and English lecture. Here, those who be worth to remind is, effective listening process involves complex learning activities. Learners besides attention imitate pronunciation and intonation besides, still should be learning and memory listening material in the occurrence of new language knowledge, and distinguish formal written and oral spoken, daily different expression.

Due to the film has complete story plot, beautiful moving theme music, extremely powerful heart-quake force, and student ?本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2011-02-09
English listening based bad student, must pay attention to choose their own like listening activities. For example, insist to watch English movies, is the effective way of improving listening, because of the visual movie picture supports, make the listening comprehension become easier. With both basic listening ability after, can hold to listen to English radio and English lecture. Here, those who be worth to remind is, effective listening process involves complex learning activities. Learners besides attention imitate pronunciation and intonation besides, still should be learning and memory listening material in the occurrence of new language knowledge, and distinguish formal written and oral spoken, daily different expression.
Due to the film has complete story plot, beautiful moving theme music, extremely powerful heart-quake force, and students to obtain information channel anastomosis,, so the right film can give a person to bring beautifulenjoying, stimulate our interest for learning English.
Movie most helpful in learning English, sunbo foreign language of zhangfeng school principal said, must read original English movies, don't read the subtitles, always bear to listen, when you can distinguish a very long and was said quickly sentence word number, prove your English level enhanced
However, we usually for words, habitual greeting only: How sucstressed copy? How do you do? Two sentences, what the foreigner in real life inside is how to speak? Look at the American TV viewing myth "weird that", inside 6 young people every day with different people say "hello", for 10 years, do not have what repeat words appear. Inside a lot of fashionable daily expressions, we are learning spoken American English mining inexhaustible treasure. 1 How you spend? Change different pronunciation intonation, meaning immediately subsequently month. So the process of learning English will no longer be suffering, but a harvest happy process.