如何回答" how does he look"?


how does sb look是正确的。


How do people in general look on her? 人们一般对她怎麽看?

How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?

How does that tall tower stop up? 那座高塔是怎样竖着不倒的?

How do you explain this strange turn of events? 事情出现这种异常变化,你作何解释?

How do you react to this modern artist's paintings? 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价?

How do you steal a kiss from a girl like that? 你怎么赢得像那样了不起的女孩的吻的?

How does she get by on such a small salary? 她靠那麽一点儿薪水怎么过活?
