

  My favorite city in the world is Auckland,New Zealand.It is one of the world's best cities for living,also known as the "City of Sails" and the Queen City.There are many harbors,beaches,oceans and mountains,among which is the famous Rangitoto volcano.
  If you like history,you can visit the Auckland Museum,the Auckland War Memorial Museum,the New Zealand National Maritime Museum and so on.If you like shopping,then go to the Queen Street,Parnell Road,and Ponsonby Road and enjoy yourself.If you like nature,One Tree Hill,which is named for its lone tree on top of the hill will not disappoint you.At the foot of the hill,there are crowds of sheep and green grass.All is truly the Newzealand countryside style.
  If you want to learn about Auckland's education,you can visit the University of Auckland.It's one of the most famours universities in the world.Founded in 1883,it has two campuses,sometimes you have to take a bus to go to different colleges
  Auckland is an English-speaking country,so if you want to visit there,you'd better learn some English,or you‘ll have to take a transator with you.
第1个回答  2016-01-30
嗯 还有一件事 我现在学的ABC天卞欧美外教英语的外教要我明白 其实想学会英语很简单的..坚持有个恰当的研习环境以及实习口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验,标准口音(建议找欧美外教)才可以 坚持逐日练习口语,1&1家教式教学才可以有非常.好.的进步幅度!上完课同样要重复温习课后录音反馈,来进一步深化知识。若真的是没有练习对象的环境 就去旺旺或爱思获得课外学习资料研习,多说多问一下子口语能力就加强起来,学习效果是绝对达成目标的!题目:我爱我自己Iloveme正文:MynameisJane.Iliketogotoschool.IaminClassOne,GradeSven.Ourclassroomisverybeautifulandclean.Thereisabiackboardonthewallandsomebeautifuiflowersonthesill.Therearetwobigtreesbendourclassroom.Weoftenplaygamesunderthetrees.Therearefortystudentsinourclass.Twentystudentsaregrilsandothersareboys.Wealwayshelponeanother.Wehavefiveteachers.Theyteachusmath,science,English,musicandP.E.Theyallworkhard.Welikethemverymuch.Therearefourclassesinthemorningandtwoclassesintheafternooneveryday.Westudyveryhard.Ilikeourclass.