
例如 第一空选A 选D 不是都一样吗都能讲得通 第六空选B选D不都一样(只是描述的动作不同)第八空该咋填 第十空A与B 请仔细回答 a gift left to her
Early in the morning,I was taken in a nylon bag into a truck, I felt horrible as well as (1).What would she do with me ?She was almost mad after the (2) of her husband.
A few minutes later,I heard the truck (3) its engine and move fast.I kept making sounds to show my protest,but failed to make any (4).
Finally she put me down in a (5) place.Maybe she didn't want me to die from lack of air;she untied the bag.
I (6) out and looked up ,only to see many strange faces and fingers pointing at me.
It turned out that my owner meant to (7) me. I saw my owner on the truck, which was going farther and farther. So I raised my head (8) the direction of the truck:the days we spent together were like a movie playing in front of my eyes as I ran after the truck.I saw my male owner, who suffered liver cancer, looking at me with his sad eyes. I saw myself (9) my owner everywhere; I saw him lying in his dying bed and she was all (10).
I ran as fast as I could.And the (11) I saw her wave to me ,my eyes became wet. I wouldn't blame her for treating me like this for she was such a(an) (12) lady . She seemed even somewhat (13) at his leaving her alone , trying many ways to (14) the pains of losing him.She (15) his pictures and clothes ,she redecorated the whole house . Now I was the only (16) thing to remind her of him . (17) later, I am pretty sure that she would realize how mad she was to do this……
The truck finally stopped when I was almost (18). She ran up to me and hugged me (19). I heard her (20)," I know you are a present he left to me ."
1.A puzzed B excited C delighted D frightened
2.A separation B absence C departure D death
3.A run B begin C start D operate
4.A sense B trouble C effort D difference
5.A usual B strange C familiar D dark
6.A walked B rushed C ran D struggled
7.A harm B desert C punish D sell
8.A into B at C in D to
9.A follow B bring C guide D support
10.A with tears B in tears C out of breath D in silence
11.A time B direction C way D moment
12.A cruel B unfriendly C unfavorable D unfortunate
13.A calm B depressed C angry D sad
14.A kill B remove C bear D prevent
15.A kept B burned C sold D hid
16.A moving B walking C existing D blessing
17.A But B And C Thus D Then
18.A worn out B knocked out C left out D made out
19.A tightly B patiently C sadly D desperately
20.A shout B speak C whisper D talk

第一题选A,理由有2个。首先horrible这个词语本身就是强调负面色彩的词语,包含的内容有很多,而frightened本身译为“害怕的,受惊的”,这已经包含在horrible的意思之内了,也就犯了语文中强调的种属关系不能并列这个毛病。其次,紧接着的一句话已经做了人物的心理暗示。What would she do with me ?本身就表明了作者的疑惑。综合两个分析,应该毫无疑问选择A.
第八题选A,虽然常规搭配都是in the direction of,但这强调的是状态而并非动作。into则又有个渐进的过程在其中,既有方向性,又有动作性,比较符合故事的情境性。类似的还有on和onto,它们的区别也在于此。
第十题选B,本文整篇都是感人的情节,而且后文也出现了主人公的流泪场面——my eyes became wet.再结合英文中的固定搭配,She is all in tears.形容一个人泪流满面。应该选B项。
第1个回答  2011-02-01
首先第一个空,应该填puzzled.这个空可以根据后面的what would she do with me ?判断出来。楼主说D,肯定不对的,因为文中的狗狗已经说出自己horrible了,怎么可能再并列一个frightened呢。
其次第六个空,应该选rushed.这不是动作的不同而已。上文已经说出she untied the bag.了所以说根本就没有必要“努力地,奋力的挣脱出来”只要猛地冲出来,跳出来就行了。
第三个选in ,这是考察介词的in the direction of,朝着什么什么的方向。牢记
第四选in tears。she is all in tears.她泪流满面。这是一种惯用法。没有all with tears 这种用法。
第2个回答  2011-01-31