

第1个回答  2023-05-16


释义:n.北,北方;北部(地区);北方发达国家(the North);(桥牌)北家(North)。adj.北方的,朝北的;(风)北方吹来的。adv.向北,朝北;大于。


1、The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.黄纬黄道以南或以北天体的用角度量的距离。

2、The first CT scanner in North America was installed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN in 1972.在北美的第一个CT扫描仪被安装在明尼苏达州罗切斯特的梅奥诊所,于1972年。

3、Scores were driven to the windows of the north tower in search of relief.在北楼,数十人跑到窗口寻求安慰。

4、Any of various North American vultures, such as the turkey vulture.美洲兀鹰,红头兀鹰北美秃鹫的一种,如红头美洲鹫。

5、A wild or semiwild horse or pony of western North America.美洲野马北美洲西部野生或半驯化的马或小马。

6、A wild or semiwild horse or pony of western North America.美洲野马北美洲西部野生或半驯化的马或小马。

7、The rich in the north started to be more into the fancy luscious living.北方的富人们也纷纷开始更深入于他们的奢侈生活中。

8、of North America, having spotted reddish - brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail.红猫,北美大山猫北美洲野猫(北美大山猫),皮毛有红褐色斑点,有簇生眼,尾短。
