get into什么意思


"get into" 是一个常见的短语,具有多种意思,取决于上下文。以下是一些常见的解释:

1. 进入: "get into" 可以指进入或进入某个地方或位置。
例句: "He got into the car and drove away."(他上了车然后开走了。)

2. 深入研究或理解: 在某个特定主题、领域或活动方面获得更多的知识、经验或理解。
例句: "She decided to get into photography and started taking classes."(她决定学习摄影并开始上课。)

3. 开始从事某项活动或拥抱某个兴趣爱好: 开始参与或投身于某项活动、职业或兴趣爱好中。
例句: "He got into playing the guitar when he was a teenager."(他十几岁时开始弹吉他。)

4. 陷入困境或麻烦: 意味着陷入或卷入某种复杂或困难的情况。
例句: "She got into trouble for not completing her assignment."(她因为没有完成作业而陷入麻烦。)

5. 喜欢或变得流行: 指对某事或某物产生兴趣、喜欢或赢得广泛接受。
例句: "That new song is really catchy. It's getting into everyone's head."(那首新歌真的很好听。它正流行开来。)

需要根据具体的语境来确定 "get into" 的确切含义。
第1个回答  2023-06-29
get into the swing of it 或者是dive (right) in it

1、It is not easy work, but when you get into the swing of it you should be able to doit quite quickly.

2、"They dove right in and worked very quickly, " Mestemaker said. "They were verydetail-oriented people."
“他们上手很快,工作效率高”, 麦斯特马克说,“他们都是非常注重细节的人,真是做的尽善尽美。”