

第1个回答  2024-04-29
Lu Xun, born in 1881 in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China, came from a bureaucratic landlord family. At the age of 13, his grandfather was imprisoned for fraud in the imperial examination, and later his father passed away due to a long illness. These family misfortunes greatly influenced the young Lu Xun and brought him closer to the lower classes. His grandmother's family lived in the countryside, which provided him with an opportunity to understand the peasants' life.
In 1898, at the age of 17, Lu Xun entered the Nanjing Naval Academy, where he changed his name to Zhou Shuren. In December of that year, he was prompted by his uncle to take the county examination, which he passed. However, he chose not to pursue further government exams due to his brother's illness and continued his studies in Nanjing.
Lu Xun was a cultural giant of the 20th century, making significant contributions in various fields such as novels, essays, satires, woodblock prints, modern poetry, traditional poetry, translation, ancient book editing, and modern academia. As the伟大的奠基者 of Chinese modern literature, he established a new form of Chinese novels with his limited number of novels. His essays demonstrated the practical results of literary revolution. The satirical style he created was rich in modernity, freedom, criticism, and combativeness, becoming a frequently used "critical weapon" by subsequent writers. His works can be seen as a encyclopedia of Chinese society, politics, history, law, religion, morality, philosophy, literature, art, as well as cultural psychology, national character, folk customs, etc. Virtually all Chinese writers have developed different literary styles and forms based on the foundation laid by Lu Xun. As a translator, he translated a large number of foreign literary and scientific works, contributing significantly to the enlightenment of the people and the introduction of advanced scientific and cultural ideas.
Source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Lu Xun