
短文提示:1:书是我们的好朋友,它讲述世界上每个国家各个时代的历史; 2:书从不隐瞒着什么不肯告诉我们; 3:书籍不仅给我们知识,还让我们快乐; 4:我们要读好书,长大后为祖国效力。

(请不要发网址过来! )请尽快!十万火急!!星期天之前,拜托了!!

Books are our best friend. They can tell us the history of every nation of every time. They can show us the great changes ever happened in the world. They never hide anything from us. We can know a lot from reading. Books give us not only knowledge, but also happiness. The feel of learning is very comforting. We should study hard and serve our country in the future.