I'm looking for somebody

Hi, I'm Eliza. I’m from Shanghai, China. I’m an English major, loving English language very much, but lack of chances for practicing. Therefore, I want to find somebody from English-spoken country using accurate and modern oral English improving my oral English. Meanwhile, I'm very glad to teach the aforesaid person with his /her Chinese and Shanghai dialect as well. Mandarin is another choice for his/her. I'm looking forward to receiving the reply from you and I hope talk with you as soon as possible. You may contact me through email:[email protected] (MSN as well).

第1个回答  2007-03-22
呵呵 写的不错 可惜我不是外国人 我会说中文和上海话 不用你教啦

不过这里找外国人和你交流很难啊 外国人一般不上百度的

再说你想要实践的机会 万一碰到坏人怎么办呢

不过你喜爱英语的心情可以理解 Keep Walking本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2007-03-22
喜欢英语,我建议,每周六去人民公园 英语角,
第3个回答  2007-03-22