

我的答铃》原版英文名叫《La La Love On My Mind 》,原唱是由波兰女歌手Ann Winsborn演唱的。 《我的答铃》英文版歌词: La la la la la la Mhmm... You’re the la love of my life One way ticket and of life to live Pockets full of sunshine Lots of love to give Longing for your kisses Longing for your arms to be holding me. I took the Friday night ***ht Paris here I come Couldn’t live without you You're the only one Got the note you wrote me – know it all by heart Oh nothing’s gonna keep us apart. There is only... La la love on my mind, Gonna leave my la la love on the line, Baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight. Looking out for ooh la la la l’amour And I’m gonna la la love you toujours. There’s no doubt about it, You’re the la love of my life. Don’t care about my suitcase, Gonna grab a cab, Let your arms unfold me Give you all I have Boy you got me dreamin’ You’re a kiss away In your arms I’m going to stay There is only... La la love on my mind, Gonna leave my la la love on the line, Baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight. Looking out for ooh la la la l’amour And I’m gonna la la love you toujours. There’s no doubt about it, You’re the la love of my life. There’s no doubt about it You’re the la love of my life
第1个回答  2018-10-18
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丹顶鹤(学名:Grus japonensis):是鹤类中的一种,大型涉禽,体长120-160厘米。颈、脚较长,通体大多白色,头顶鲜红色,喉和颈黑色,耳至头枕白色,脚黑色,站立时颈、尾部飞羽和脚黑色,头顶红色,其余全为白色;飞翔时仅次级和三级飞羽以及颈、脚黑色,其余全白色,特征极明显,极易识别。幼鸟头、颈棕褐色,体羽白色而缀栗色。常成对或成家族群和小群活动。迁徙季节和冬季,常由数个或数十个家族群结成较大的群体。有时集群多达40-50只,甚至100多只。但活动时仍在一定区域内分散成小群或家族群活动。夜间多栖息于四周环水的浅滩上或苇塘边,主要以鱼、虾、水生昆虫、软体动物、蝌蚪、沙蚕、蛤蜊、钉螺以及水生植物的茎、叶、块根、球茎和果实为食。分布于中国东北,蒙古东部,俄罗斯乌苏里江东岸,朝鲜,韩国和日本北海道。