safety comes firsf为题一篇英语作文加翻译


safety comes first
What's the most important in our life? safety comes first.

Last January the New Year began on Thursday. I shall never forget that day because I almost died of fright.
My brother and I were walking down the road, followed by the dog. I was carrying a cake to a friend. My brother is a football fan, he carried a ball in hand.
A car came toward us. I thought that both the dog and my brother were safe, but suddenly the ball fell off my brother's hand and rolled to the middle of the road. Our dog ran after the ball. My brother ran to save our dog. Luckily the driver saw this, and was able to stop the car in time.
How pleased I was! Maybe our dog wanted to get the ball back for he often helps my brother.人生中最重要的事是什么?当然是安全了。 去年一月,在新的一年开始的星期四。我永远不会忘记那一天,因为我几乎吓死了。
第1个回答  2015-04-28
Since Chinese spring festival is the most important holiday in China, most of people return home to reunit with their families. There is no doubt that the transport is very busy and the trafic is very crowed. One problem that people have to meet during the time is that it's not easy to buy tickets. People have to book tickets ahead of days. Some of people buy the tickets without seats. They have to stand all the trip. It's even a long journey. And also some of people can't buy tickets so that they can't go home. It's not easy for them to work far from their homes. How lucky are the people who work near their homes. They don't have to experience it. How lucky are the peolpe who have their own cars. They can drive home by themself. How lucky I am who can take a bus easily. It just takes four hours for me to go home. How lucky I am that I can reunit with my famliy to celebrate the holidays. The other problem is that the trafic is very terrible during the time. There are a lot of trafic jams and trafic accidents. On my way home, there were two traffic accidents. I was sorry for them. It is understood that everyone is anxious to go home, but safey is more important. Please slow down the speed and be careful when driving. Be responsible for our lives and others. I wish everyone can be safe home and have a wonderful holidays with their families.