
用括号内英文翻译句子。1,全世界的人们都爱好体育活动(all over the world)。2,掌握外语和计算机是非常重要的(have a good knowledge of),3,你爱运动而我爱看书(while),4,应该充分利用这本书(make use of),5,他在英语学习中取得如此大的进步,以至于老师表扬了他(such…that),6,昨天晚上,我们全体,包括我在内,去看电影了(include),7,老师命令她立刻过来(command sb.to do sth),8,他精通英文(have agoodcommand of…),9,计算机在我们生活中起着非常重要的作用(play an important part in),10,大学生的数量逐年增加(increase),11,不管困难有多大,他尽了最大努力去解决这个问题(solve),12,尽管我认为他不对,但是我还是什么都没说(although)

1,全世界的人们都爱好体育活动(people all over the world love sports)。
2,掌握外语和计算机是非常重要的(it's important to have a good knowledge of foreign languages and computer),
3,你爱运动而我爱看书(you like sports while i like reading),
4,应该充分利用这本书(it's neccessary to make use of this book),
5,他在英语学习中取得如此大的进步,以至于老师表扬了他(he has made such progress that the teacher praises him),
6,昨天晚上,我们全体,包括我在内,去看电影了(we all including me went to movies last night ),
7,老师命令她立刻过来 (the teacher commanded her.to come over at once),
8,他精通英文(he has a goodcommand of english…),
9,计算机在我们生活中起着非常重要的作用(computers play an important part in our life),
10,大学生的数量逐年增加(the number of the college students are increasing year by year),11,不管困难有多大,他尽了最大努力去解决这个问题(no matter how difficult the problem is,he tired his best to solve it),
12,尽管我认为他不对,但是我还是什么都没说(although i didn't think he was right , i said nothing)