
My pen pal is a teacher. She is a middle-aged woman with a pair of glasses. She is not very tall, but a little fat. She is one of the most popular teachers in her school. Her colle-agues say she is a kind-hearted person.Her students think she is the best teacher because she has a special way to make her class lovely and interesting, and all of them like having English classes. She often encourages her students when they meet difficulties. She likes studying, reading and teaching, and she also loves her students. She often reads different books in her spare time.She tells her students the joys of reading. They become interested in reading little by little. They love her very much.
Father went into the bathroom. He wanted to have a shave. The light was on and fa-ther noticed it. "Who left the light on?" he asked. "I did,Dad," Ada said. "You mustn't waste electricity, Ada." father said, ''You must always turn the light off."Ada should turn the light off, but she often forgets! She went away and father had his shave. He finished and left the bathroom. Then Charles went into the bathroom. He wanted to have a wash. The tap was on and he noticed it. "Who left the tap on?" he asked. "l did, Charles."father said, "You mustn't waste water, Dad!" Charles said and smiled. Father smiled, too!


爸爸进了浴室。他想剃剃胡须。他发现灯亮着。 “谁没关灯啊?”他问道。 “是我,爸爸”阿达说。“你不要浪费电,阿达。”父亲说,''你必须时常记得关灯。”阿达当然应该把灯熄灭,但她常常忘了!她走了,父亲刮胡子。他刮完了胡须,离开了浴室。然后,查尔斯走进浴室。他想洗澡。 他发现水龙头开着。 ““谁没关自来水啊?”他问道。 “是我,查尔斯。”父亲说:“你不能浪费水,爸爸!”查尔斯说着,笑了。父亲也笑了!
第1个回答  2011-02-17