
1. 对学生来说在两小时完成这张试卷是一个真正的挑战。(challenge)
2. 你知道多少人在1976年的唐山市地震中活下来了?(survive)
3. 老师上周忙于批学生们的试卷。(engage)
4. 雷锋不顾一切地去帮助需要帮助的那些人。( throw all caution to the winds)
5. 谋杀者一伸手去拿枪时,警察就赶到现场。(the instant…, reach for)

如果是用网上的翻译软件翻的 那谢谢你表浪费自己的时间了

1. 对学生来说在两小时完成这张试卷是一个真正的挑战。(challenge)
It is a real challenge for the students to complete the questionnaires in two hours.

2. 你知道多少人在1976年的唐山市地震中活下来了?(survive)
Do you know how many people survived the Tang Shan earthquake?

3. 老师上周忙于批学生们的试卷。(engage)
Our teacher was busily engaged in correcting students' test papers.

4. 雷锋不顾一切地去帮助需要帮助的那些人。( throw all caution to the winds)
Lei Feng throws all the caution to the winds to help those who needed help.

5. 谋杀者一伸手去拿枪时,警察就赶到现场。(the instant…, reach for)
The police instantly arrived at the scene, the moment the murderer reached for the gun.
第1个回答  2013-11-22
1. It's a real challenge for students to complete this test in two hours.
2. Do you know how many people survived the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976?
3. The teacher was engaged to mark the students' test busily last week.
4. Lei Feng threw all caution to the winds to help those who needed help.
5. The police arrived at the instant when the murderer reached for the gun.
第2个回答  2013-11-22
It's a challenge for students to finish the paper in two hours.
Do you know haw many people survuved in the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976?
The teacher was engaged in corecting her students' papers last week.
Lei Feng thrown all caution to the winds to help those who needed help.
The policemen came in instant when the killer reached for his gun.