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近年来,“企业并购”在中国乃至世界经济中都绝对算得上“热门”词汇。企业并购,就是企业间的兼并与收购,国际上通常称为Mergers and Acquisition,简称M&A。自19世纪末2O世纪初以来,在世界范围内发生了五次大规模的并购浪潮。当今世界大企业几乎无一不是通过并购成长起来的。2011年第一季度,在全球经济缓慢复苏并步入正常发展轨道和中国经济强劲增长的大环境下,中国的并购市场呈现了爆发式增长,并购案例数和并购金额均创下单季度历史新高。谋求利润最大化和占有市场最大化、筹资、投机、避税等诸多因素成为企业并购的主要动力。实践证明,企业并购动机对并购的成功与否往往具有决定性的作用。企业并购活动是十分复杂的经济现象,企业应根据自身不同区域、不同历史时期来确定自己的并购,盲目的并购存在着巨大的风险。

Abstract: In recent years, “mergers and acquisitions” are definitely considered "hot" words no matter in Chinese or in the world economy. It is the takeover and purchase among different enterprises in fact. And we usually call it M&A in short.Since the turn of the 20th century, there occurred five large-scale tides of mergers and acquisitions in the world. And those large enterprises in today's world almost grow up by purchasing or merging without exception.
In the first quarter of 2011, as the world economy began to develop slowly and returned to the track of development, and as Chinese economy also began its strong growth, the Merger and Acquisition Market in China developed tremendously, and hits a quarterly record in the amount of M & A deals. For the enterprises, striving for maximizing profits and fully maximized market penetration, financing, speculation, tax avoidance and other factors are always the main driving force of mergers and acquisitions. Practice has proved that M&A intensions of enterprises can be decisive to merger success. M & A activity is very complex economic phenomena, the enterprises should think over the idea of mergers and acquisitions based on their own different regions, and different historical periods carefully before taking any measures, or there may be some huge risk. Therefore, the paper study the deep motivation of mergers and acquisitions profoundly from different theoretical factions of economics, especially the motivation of domestic mergers and acquisitions, hoping to provide a theoretical basis for Chinese enterprises, at the same time providing some references for those investors.
Key words: mergers and acquisitions, classification, M&A motivation, motivations of government。

第1个回答  2011-05-29
In recent years, "merger" in China and around the world economy are absolutely is "hot" vocabulary. Enterprise merger between enterprises, is the merger and Acquisition, the international on Mergers and Acquisition, often called as M&A. Since the 19th century since 2O century, worldwide happened five times large-scale mergers. In today's world big enterprise through mergers almost without not growing up. In the first quarter of 2011, the slow economic recovery and in the global development orbit and China into normal strong growth of the environment, China's m&a market presents BaoFaShi growth, mergers and acquisitions are found the amount a single quarter historic highs. Seeking to maximize the profit maximization and occupy the market, raise funds, speculation, tax avoidance and so on many factors to become the enterprise merger Lord ?
第2个回答  2011-05-29
In recent years, "mergers and acquisitions" in China and the world economy are definitely considered "hot" words. Mergers and acquisitions, that is, mergers and acquisitions among enterprises, usually referred to as the International Mergers and Acquisition, referred to as M & A. 2O since the late 19th century, the worldwide occurrence of five large-scale mergers and acquisitions wave. Large enterprises in today's world almost without exception, have grown up through mergers and acquisitions. First quarter of 2011, the slow recovery in the global economy and into the track of normal development and China's strong economic growth environment, China's M & A market is the explosive growth,
Case number and the amount of M & M are single-quarter record high. Seek to maximize profits and maximize market share, financing, speculation, tax avoidance and other factors as the main driver of mergers and acquisitions. Practice has proved that M & M's success motivation tend to have a decisive role. M & A activity is very complex economic phenomena, the enterprise should be based on their different regions, different historical periods to determine their own M & M blind there is a huge risk.
In light of this, this theory from the economics of different factions of departure, the profound depth analysis of M & A motives, especially the motivation of domestic mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions in China expected to provide a theoretical basis, while giving investors for investment information.
Keywords: mergers and acquisitions, classification, acquisition motivation, motivation Government