

BoYa rejects string(伯牙绝弦英文版)
The face is no index to the enemy and intimate the ancients says this is the so-called companion
Band by loving friend would you have always reminds me of
When I meet again from his speech when memories. Merry
Many dearly memories many songs I want for your singing
During the spring and autumn period BoYa piano art near famous fish and water sink to the incoming fire has lifted
Listen to the voice of loneliness known as a companion
Until the child WenQin period BoYa untie mountain scenery like a mood
GaoShanQing speechless but still water as the heaven and earth than occasion
Listen to the palace of shang Angle of not write lyrics plume is the extension of the string
One glass of wine a steamy fuels concern after years of constant continue melody
When spring summer autumn scenery for melting snow, I take a letter
Dongdong gongs midwinter wall dongdong gongs rumble winter wall to wall is missing the four seasons
The face is no index to the enemy and intimate the ancients says this is the so-called companion
Band by loving friend would you have always reminds me of
When I meet again from his speech when memories. Merry
Many dearly memories many songs I want for your singing
Once upon a BoYa days to his son is still green fruit period stage landscape has went
Touch touch that BoYa injury landscape harp rejects no strings because companion
Millennium past when I LengJian more and more worried QinYun again, too
Please listen to sing to me please gently never forsake the companion
Listen to the palace of shang Angle of not write lyrics plume is the extension of the string
One glass of wine a steamy fuels concern after years of constant continue melody
When spring summer autumn scenery for melting snow, I take a letter
Dongdong gongs midwinter wall dongdong gongs rumble winter wall to wall is missing the four seasons
The face is no index to the enemy and intimate the ancients says this is the so-called companion
Band by loving friend would you have always reminds me of
When I meet again from his speech when memories. Merry
Many dearly memories many songs I want for your singing

知人知面 知己知彼 又知心 古人说 这就是所谓知音
相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆 朋友你 会不会常把我想起
何年何月 何日何时 再相聚 何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆
很多很多 很深很深 的回忆 很多歌 我只想要为你唱起

春秋时期 远近知名伯牙琴艺 沉鱼也出水 马儿仰秣聆听
聆听 寂寞 的声音 举世知名 不如 一个知音
直到子期 闻琴解开伯牙心境 高山流水 风景似有灵悉
高山青 流水静 如镜 无言却胜过有言的天地

听 宫 商 角 徵 羽 那歌词未写上的是那份 弦外的延长音
斟一杯酒 一抱拳 一句关心 在千年之后 再延续 不变的旋律
当 春 雪 融 夏 景 秋风为我捎封信
冬 冬锣隆冬墙 冬 冬锣隆隆冬墙墙 又是思念的四季

知人知面 知己知彼 又知心 古人说 这就是所谓知音
相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆 朋友你 会不会常把我想起
何年何月 何日何时 再相聚 何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆
很多很多 很深很深 的回忆 很多歌 我只想要为你唱起

某年某月 某天伯牙再访子期 风景依旧绿 子期却已归西
触景 触琴 即伤情 伯牙绝弦 只因再无知音
千年过去 当我再度拨弄琴韵 更多冷箭 更多冷言冷语
请你听 请轻轻 倾听 唱给我永远不离弃的知音

听 宫 商 角 徵 羽 那歌词未写上的是那份 弦外的延长音
斟一杯酒 一抱拳 一句关心 在千年之后 再延续 不变的旋律
当 春 雪 融 夏 景 秋风为我捎封信
冬 冬锣隆冬墙 冬 冬锣隆隆冬墙墙 又是思念的四季

知人知面 知己知彼 又知心 古人说 这就是所谓知音
相知相惜 相亲相爱 也相忆 朋友你 会不会常把我想起
何年何月 何日何时 再相聚 何时能 把酒言欢畅回忆
很多很多 很深很深 的回忆 很多歌 我只想要为你唱起

第1个回答  2011-05-29