other,the other与others的用法及区别



other, the other, others, the others, another的用法:
1. other的用法: adj. “别的;其他的”。
○1后接复数名词。如There are many students on the playground. Some students are playing, other students are standing in line.
○2后接ones。如 There are many students on the playground. Some students are playing, other ones are standing in line.

2. the other的用法:
(1) adj.“别的;其他的”。
○1后接复数名词。如 There are seven pens on the table. Three are black, the other pens are red.
○2后接ones。如 There are seven pens on the table. Three are black, the other ones are red.
注:作形容词时,the other与other的区别:加the表示范围确定或特指;不加the 表示范围不确定或泛指。
(2) adj. / pron. “(两者中的)另一个”。
○1后接单数名词。如 I have two brothers. One is Tom, the other brother is David.
○2后接one。如 I have two brothers. One is Tom, the other one is David.
○3后面不接词。如 I have two brothers. One is Tom, the other is David.
注:常见句型“一个…,另一个…”: One…, the other…

3. others与the others的用法:
(1)都只作pron. 译作“别的/其他的人/物”。加the表示范围确定或特指;不加the 表示 范围不确定或泛指。如 There are many students on the playground. Some are playing, others are standing in line. / There are seven pens on the table. Three are black, the others are red.
(2)others = other + 复数名词/ones,the others = the other +复数名词/ones。(参考前边的例句) 注:常见句型“一些…,其余的…”:_Some…, others…


还是不明白啊,就是啥时该用other others the other ,最好用这三个单词分别造意思相同的一个句子,谢了


There are many students on the playground. Some are playing, 【others】 are standing in line.
= There are many students on the playground. Some are playing, 【other students】 are standing in line.

因为the other 与上面两个词意思差别较大,还是得看上面的例句,别烦啊,呵呵




第1个回答  2011-05-27
other 作定语泛指其他的人或物
the other 意为 (两者之中的)另一个
others 是复数代词,同样泛指其他的人或物追问



Many people went there by bus; others on foot.
There were two boys in the room. One was Tom, and the other was Jim.
People have very different opinions about the film. Some like it very much; others think it is boring.


other boys=others boy 吗?
你要表达的是不是some ......others和one.......the other 这两个句子


1. others boy是错的,只能说 other boys。other 如果放在名词前,就看做形容词或限定词,做定语,这时是不可能有复数形式的,不可能在词尾加 -s,要表达复数意义只能在它所限定的那个名词的词尾加 -s。
2. some...others 相当于汉语“有些人。。。其他人。。。”,(some 和 others 都没有特指范围,即对他们范围和数量的都没有请去恶限定,也就是说都是泛指。当然others 也可与其他词配合,比如Many people went there by bus; others on foot.中的many,)
some (of...)...the others 相当于汉语 “(其中)一些人。。。其余的。。。 (some 和 the others都是特指范围内的,有限定的。)

第2个回答  2011-05-27
other是泛指其他的人或物,the other是特指,指指定范围的人或物。others是泛指2个以上的人或物。追问

