

The Widespread Use and Consequences of Disposable Plastic Bags
Plastic bags have become an integral part of our daily lives, finding their way into supermarkets, shops, and markets of all sizes. They are commonly used to carry purchases, replacing the need for traditional bags such as canvas, leather, or baskets. The convenience and low cost of plastic bags make them a popular choice among consumers. Often provided complimentary, they have become a staple in shopping routines.
However, the use of disposable plastic bags has significant drawbacks. Improper disposal of these bags leads to environmental pollution, often referred to as "white pollution." Plastic does not biodegrade, which poses a severe threat to ecosystems as it litters landscapes and waterways. This pollution is detrimental to our planet's future.
It is imperative for individuals to handle plastic bag usage responsibly. Proper disposal, ensuring that used plastic bags are thrown into bins, is crucial. Furthermore, reverting to traditional bags for carrying purchases can help mitigate the negative impacts of plastic bag usage.