英语作文 假如你是李华你对戏剧很感兴趣、邀请外教一起看、给他写一封电子邮件

假如你是中学生李华,你对戏剧很感兴趣。你市凯乐剧院本周六晚6点将上映被誉为史上“最完美的音乐剧”—《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady),由大学生艺术团的演员改编并演出。你想邀请你校外教Jack共同观看,请给他写一封电子邮件。

Dear Mr.Jack
I'm one of your students,Li Hua.I've heard that you are quite interested in drama,so I want to invite you to watch a play with me.This drama is known as'the most perfect musical ' in history------My Fair Lady,which will be adapted and performed by the actors in the college art group at six p.m on saturday evening.And the theatre is the Kelly Theatre in my city.
Sincerely hope you can accept the invitation.
Your student
Li Hua
