
第五节 综 合 开 拓

Compared with the shaft, Shaft weaknesses are : natural conditions, Incline than the more long shaft; Not rock solid, Incline Shaft high maintenance costs; Hoist use, the lower the speed upgrade, the ability of smaller, rope wear serious, power consumption, upgrade costs, higher mine plagioclase larger, multi-Hoist of 7-23 links, complex systems, more occupied more equipment and manpower; As Incline longer pipeline laid along the shaft, the cable needed larger pipeline length, Whenever conditions allow the drill hole drainage pipe under power, but to retain this security pillar, increasing coal-loss; However, the extra production capacity of the inclined shaft, and the auxiliary upgrade the heavy workload, or even additional deputy Incline. Also, the ventilation Incline long road to a large quantity of gas emission of large mines, a small section inclined mine shaft, the ventilation resistance is too large, Ventilation may be unable to meet the requirements to operate special ventilation or air return and served as the auxiliary shaft upgrade; When the water-rich topsoil for the impact floors, or Quicksand, Incline shaft excavation technology complex, and sometimes difficult to pass. Therefore, when the mine buried within the seam is deep, topsoil is not thick, hydrogeology of the simple, proficient do not need special relief to the construction of ramps and steep seam generally available Incline develop. Series cars used to skip or upgrade the mine, to a general upgrading mining, but also beneficial use two mining, it is not advisable to adopt three. With the new powerful and applicable to the 25 degree angle of the belt conveyor, large Shaft mining depth will be greatly increased, Incline scope of the application will be more extensive. Incline disk unit with ground construction and industrial equipment simple and less roadway project, the initial investment to the province, building wells short, operation and design capability to achieve the advantages of faster time. Shallow mining, production system simply yield potential, good technical and economic indicators. Its weaknesses are : wellhead scattered, covering more; With deep mining to the development of mining into two sections, the increase in mine production processes, decreased productivity, technical and economic effects of poor; As well small, the service life is not long, the wellhead production successor frequent, ensuring mine production unfavorable balance. Therefore, the unit disk Incline applicable conditions are : shallow coal seams, coal seam outcrops very well; along the seam inclined folds and faults less; Inclination smaller thin and thick seam; topsoil and the seam zone dividing the vertical depth generally should not exceed 20~30m; simple hydrogeological conditions. When the coal region urgent need, the low level of geological prospecting, large-scale installations and equipment supply restrictions, Well Construction Technology weak, the introduction of disk Incline films is beneficial. In addition, coal bed unstable, complex geological structure and the production of construction exploration wells, the film can be applied Incline pioneering disc. Shaft explore the applicability of strong and generally free of seam inclination, thickness, gas and other natural hydrological conditions. The short vertical wellbore to enhance speed and the ability to upgrade, upgrade of support is especially advantageous; Well serious type of mine, use large section of the shaft, the two sets of equipment to upgrade equipment; The shaft section so great that it can meet the demands of high winds; Due to the short shaft, the ventilation resistance to the smaller, more favorable to the Sham Tseng. Incline its shortcomings and advantages to this, no longer exists. Therefore, when the mine geological conditions of the terrain is not conducive to using Adit or inclined shaft, the shaft can be considered pioneering. For the occurrence of deep seam, topsoil thickness or hydrology of the complexity required special shaft Construction, level or steep seam mining in the mine, in general, be used vertical shaft development. Tilt for the length of the large mine, the shaft used to develop multi-level more reasonable balance between the shallow and deep mining. It is more beneficial. V comprehensive expand in certain specific conditions, a single shaft pioneering form, it is technically difficult, economically irrational, we can use different forms of integrated shaft pioneering
第1个回答  2007-06-01
Compared with the shaft, Shaft weaknesses are : natural conditions, Incline than the more long shaft; Not rock solid, Incline Shaft high maintenance costs; Hoist use, the lower the speed upgrade, the ability of smaller, rope wear serious, power consumption, upgrade costs, higher mine plagioclase larger, multi-Hoist of 7-23 links, complex systems, more occupied more equipment and manpower; As Incline longer pipeline laid along the shaft, the cable needed larger pipeline length, Whenever conditions allow the drill hole drainage pipe under power, but to retain this security pillar, increasing coal-loss; However, the extra production capacity of the inclined shaft, and the auxiliary upgrade the heavy workload, or even additional deputy Incline. Also, the ventilation Incline long road to a large quantity of gas emission of large mines, a small section inclined mine shaft, the ventilation resistance is too large, Ventilation may be unable to meet the requirements to operate special ventilation or air return and served as the auxiliary shaft upgrade; When the water-rich topsoil for the impact floors, or Quicksand, Incline shaft excavation technology complex, and sometimes difficult to pass. Therefore, when the mine buried within the seam is deep, topsoil is not thick, hydrogeology of the simple, proficient do not need special relief to the construction of ramps and steep seam generally available Incline develop. Series cars used to skip or upgrade the mine, to a general upgrading mining, but also beneficial use two mining, it is not advisable to adopt three. With the new powerful and applicable to the 25 degree angle of the belt conveyor, large Shaft mining depth will be greatly increased, Incline scope of the application will be more extensive. Incline disk unit with ground construction and industrial equipment simple and less roadway project, the initial investment to the province, building wells short, operation and design capability to achieve the advantages of faster time. Shallow mining, production system simply yield potential, good technical and economic indicators. Its weaknesses are : wellhead scattered, covering more; With deep mining to the development of mining into two sections, the increase in mine production processes, decreased productivity, technical and economic effects of poor; As well small, the service life is not long, the wellhead production successor frequent, ensuring mine production unfavorable balance. Therefore, the unit disk Incline applicable conditions are : shallow coal seams, coal seam outcrops very well; along the seam inclined folds and faults less; Inclination smaller thin and thick seam; topsoil and the seam zone dividing the vertical depth generally should not exceed 20~30m; simple hydrogeological conditions. When the coal region urgent need, the low level of geological prospecting, large-scale installations and equipment supply restrictions, Well Construction Technology weak, the introduction of disk Incline films is beneficial. In addition, coal bed unstable, complex geological structure and the production of construction exploration wells, the film can be applied Incline pioneering disc. Shaft explore the applicability of strong and generally free of seam inclination, thickness, gas and other natural hydrological conditions. The short vertical wellbore to enhance speed and the ability to upgrade, upgrade of support is especially advantageous; Well serious type of mine, use large section of the shaft, the two sets of equipment to upgrade equipment; The shaft section so great that it can meet the demands of high winds; Due to the short shaft, the ventilation resistance to the smaller, more favorable to the Sham Tseng. Incline its shortcomings and advantages to this, no longer exists. Therefore, when the mine geological conditions of the terrain is not conducive to using Adit or inclined shaft, the shaft can be considered pioneering. For the occurrence of deep seam, topsoil thickness or hydrology of the complexity required special shaft Construction, level or steep seam mining in the mine, in general, be used vertical shaft development. Tilt for the length of the large mine, the shaft used to develop multi-level more reasonable balance between the shallow and deep mining. It is more beneficial. V comprehensive expand in certain specific conditions, a single shaft pioneering form, it is technically difficult, economically irrational, we can use different forms of integrated shaft develop.