


nice的习语:as nice as pie(informal) 非常友好的,很善良的(尤指出乎意料) very kind and friendly, especially when you are not expecting it.have a nice day!(informal, especially NAmE) (与顾客道别时常用)再见 a friendly way of saying goodbye, especially to customers

nice one!(BrE, informal) 太好了;好极了 used to show you are pleased when sth good has happened or sb has said sth amusingYou got the job? Nice one!你得到那份工作了?太好了。

nice work!(informal, especially BrE) 干得好 used to show you are pleased when sb has done sth wellYou did a good job today. Nice work, James!你今天干得不错。好样的,詹姆斯!

nice work if you can get it(informal) (认为对方耕耘少,收获多)能有这样的好事儿就好了 used when you wish that you had sb's success or good luck and think they have achieved it with little effort.

Mr Nice Guy(informal) 大好人;大善人 a way of describing a man who is very honest and thinks about the wishes and feelings of other people.I was tired of helping other people. From now on it was no more Mr Nice Guy (= I would stop being pleasant and kind). 我已对帮助他人感到厌烦。从今以后我不做大善人了。


1、Living in such a nice environment, most people in lceland live a happy life. 生活在这样一个美好的环境中,大多数冰岛人过着幸福的生活。

2、He managed to buy a car after all ─ and a nice one at that. 他终于设法买了一辆小轿车——而且还挺不错的。

3、After a hard day's work, it's nice to get home and put your feet up. 辛劳一天后回家架起双腿休息是很惬意的。
