

1.wear away 逐渐磨损,磨蚀出凹痕 (常指木、石等,而且主语常为风雨等自然力或人的踏踩、拭抚等)
例 It is almost impossible to read the inscription on the monument as most of the letters have been worn away.
例 Water can wear away rocks after a long time, even though the rock is harder.
例 The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps.
2.wear off 逐渐减弱,渐渐消失(主要用来指体力或精神上的感觉)
例 For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.
例 These glasses may seem uncomfortable at first but that feeling will soon wear off.
例 When her first feeling of shyness had worn off she started to enjoy herself.
例 He began to try to sit up,which showed us that the effects of the drug were wearing off.
3.wear out
例 Children wear out their shoes very quickly.
例 The machine had been worn out seriously because of incorrect operation. Cheap clothes wear out quickly.
例 The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out. He worked all night and wanted to go on working the next day,but we saw that he was completely worn out and persuaded him to stop.