阅读理解. Mr Brown, who teaches history in a middle school, often falls...

阅读理解. Mr Brown, who teaches history in a middle school, often falls asleep (睡着) in class. But he doesn’t want his students to know that. One Wednesday, he fell asleep again in class. When he woke up, one of his students, Tom, asked him, “Why did you fall asleep just now, sir?” Mr Brown’s face turned red and said, “I … I … The sun god (太阳神) asked me to visit him in my dream.” Tom wanted to say something, but he said nothing. The next day, Tom also fell asleep in class. Mr Brown woke Tom up and asked, “Why did you fall asleep in class and not listen to me, Tom?” Tom answered with a smile on his face, “The sun god asked me to visit him, too.” Mr Brown became angry when he heard this and asked, “What did he say to you, then?” "He told me he didn’t see you yesterday." 1. What subject does Mr Brown teach? A. History. B. Math. C. Geography. D. Chinese. 2. What’s Mr Brown’s problem in class? A. He likes asking students to answer questions.B. He always sings in class. C. He often falls asleep in class. D. He often asks students to talk with him. 3. Why did Mr Brown’s face turn red? A. Because he was badly ill that day. B. Because he talked too much in class. C. Because he was very excited in class. D. Because someone found he fell asleep in class. 4. How did Mr Brown feel after hearing Tom’s answer? A. He felt very happy. B. He felt very angry. C. He felt very surprised. D. He felt very sad. 5. What can we learn from the passage? A. Tom likes Mr Brown’s class very much. B. Tom saw the sun god, but Mr Brown didn’t. C. Tom is a clever but naughty (淘气的) boy. D. Tom believed Mr Brown’s words.

