用 tell sb to do sth 造句5个


1、He said officers told him to get out of his car and lean against it。


2、My mom tell me not to play computer games if I don't do my homework。


3、Teacher tell me to do homework by myself。


4、I'm hungry,I tell my sister to buy some food for me。


5、Peter's mother tells him to make his dog not play the ball at home。


第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-09
( 1)My mom tell me not play computer games if I don't do my homework.
(2 )Teacher tell me do homework by myself
( 3)I'm hungry,I tell my sister buy some food for me.
(4 )Tom's mother tell him clean the bedroom
(5 )Mom tell her help me with my homework.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-11-12
He told Tommy to enter his office.My mom tells me not to break up the flower vase.His father told him study harder to get the best grades next time.John tells everyone to participate in his birthday party.Sarah tells her younger brother to try to smile.
第3个回答  2015-03-23
Our teather tell us to finish this work at home.老师让我们在家完成这些作业。
第4个回答  2013-11-12
I told myself to be a good girl.I told my mother to care about her body.I told my friend to have luch.I told my father to buy some delicious food