
The Internet – and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it – is making access to scientific results a reality.一句中破折号的作用是什么?取自2008年考研真题




1. 用于解释性插入语之前。如:
Give your secretary what she needs --- pencil, paper and a good typewriter.

2. 表示说话突然中断、意思突然转换或犹豫不决。如:
"I'd like to," he said, "but ---"“我想”,他说,“但是——”
"Well --- it's hard to explain."“嗯——这很难解释。”

3. 引出被强调的词语。如:
The only person that he admires is --- Churchill. 他只钦佩一个人——丘吉尔。

4. 分隔非限定性修饰语、同位语或附加成分的词语。如:
He is the exact person --- the person that I expected. 他就是那个人——我要找的人。

5. 表示概括性词语。如:
English, Chinese and math --- all these are the subjects that he should study.

6. 表示引文出处。如:
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. --- Winston Churchill

7. 用于两个地名或两个时间之间,意为“至,到”。如:
London --- Manchester 伦敦到曼彻斯特
第1个回答  2013-12-25
这里是插入成分下面是破折号的用法供你参考折号是用来加强语气的符号,往往起到冒号,分号或逗号的作用。其用法如下: 1. 用于解释性插入语之前。如:Give your secretary what she needs --- pencil, paper and a good typewriter.给你的秘书她所想要的东西——铅笔、纸和一台好的打字机。 2. 表示说话突然中断、意思突然转换或犹豫不决。如:"I'd like to," he said, "but ---"“我想”,他说,“但是——”"Well --- it's hard to explain."“嗯——这很难解释。” 3. 引出被强调的词语。如:The only person that he admires is --- Churchill. 他只钦佩一个人——丘吉尔。 4. 分隔非限定性修饰语、同位语或附加成分的词语。如:He is the exact person --- the person that I expected. 他就是那个人——我要找的人。 5. 表示概括性词语。如:English, Chinese and math --- all these are the subjects that he should study.英语、语文、数学——所有这些都是他该学的科目。 6. 表示引文出处。如:I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. --- Winston Churchill我可没什么可奉献的,除了鲜血、劳动、眼泪和汗水。——温斯顿·丘吉尔 7. 用于两个地名或两个时间之间,意为“至,到”。如:London --- Manchester 伦敦到曼彻斯特