求来个学霸,帮我把这句话翻译成英文。谢谢了,求准啊!跪求!!! 花谢了还会再开,太阳落了还


Flowers always bloom and wither, sun will rise and set again, but I know someone I missed will never come back. 偏向意译,花会总是盛开又凋零,太阳不断升起又落下,但是我知道有些人错过了就永远不会再回来了。
第1个回答  2014-10-21
Flowers will still bloom after they fade;
Sun will still rise after it goes down;
However I know,
Love would never be retrieved once I miss it...
第2个回答  2014-10-21
A flower will blossom again even it fades. The sun will rise even it sets. However, I know I can never ever get the lost things back.
第3个回答  2014-10-21
xie spent still open,
the sun was also on the rise,
but i know that i missed never com bake.追答


第4个回答  2014-10-21
The flower faded will open again, the sun will rise again, but I know I missed will never come back.
第5个回答  2014-10-21
Eason chan told us how to sing this decade, but don't tell us how to get the ten years!To tell the truth, this ten years road a bit confused.ouch